Greetings Krickles!
I am posting a code snippet below. Make a backup of your original asp
before you do anything else. Try these changes in a COPY of your page
so that you can always roll back to your version if you run into any
Okay, with that said, in the copy of your page, delete all of the text
from the characters "... some html code with" all the way through the
word "loop" on the bottom and replace it with the code below. There
are comments included that should answer most of your questions, but
please let me know if you need clarification on any fine points.
This should create the table structure you are looking for. Without
your complete code to look at, there may need to be a few tweaks.
Again, let me know if I can clarify anything. Happy coding!
******************** [CODE] ********************
Dim lSupplierID, lLastSupplierID
'Start with mis-matched values (Fires the first 'if' event)
'Assumes your valid results set does NOT have an id of -1
lLastSupplierID = -1
lSupplierID = CDbl(rsGetList("supplier_id"))
Do While NOT rsGetList.EOF
If lLastSupplierID <> lSupplierID Then
'We're assuming the <tr> has already been opened above...
'Write the supplier cell
Response.Write ("<TD>")
Response.Write rsGetList("supplier_name")
Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf)
'Open the cell for the division names
Response.Write ("<TD>")
End If
'Write out the division names and check boxes
'check box, name and id should match
Response.Write ("<INPUT type=checkbox id=")
Response.Write ("'" & rsGetList("division_name") & "' name=")
Response.Write ("'" & rsGetList("division_name") & "' ")
'Does status_desc return 'Checked'?
Response.Write (rsGetList("status_desc"))
Response.Write (">")
'Write the name and the break for the next
Response.Write rsGetList("division_name")
Response.Write ("<BR>")
'Iterate the control variable
lLastSupplierID = lSupplierID
'Get the next record
If NOT rsGetList.EOF Then
'Get the next row's supplier ID
lSupplierID = CDbl(rsGetList("supplier_id"))
'Check if we have changed Suppliers
If lLastSupplierID <> lSupplierID Then
'Close the cell
Response.Write ("</TD>" & vbCrLf)
'Open the buttons cell
Response.Write ("<TD>")
'...html buttons
'Close the buttons cell
Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf)
'Close the row
Response.Write ("</TR>" & vbCrLf)
'This is not eof, so open a new row
Response.Write ("<TR>" & vbCrLf)
End If
'Close the cell
Response.Write ("</TD>" & vbCrLf)
'Open the buttons cell
Response.Write ("<TD>")
'...html buttons
'Close the buttons cell
Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf)
'Close the row
Response.Write ("</TR>" & vbCrLf)
End If
******************** [CODE] ******************** |