Hello bls,
Under Google Answers Terms of Service, Researchers are not permitted
to reveal contact information for private individuals under any
circumstances. Additionally, all online services are prohibited from
offering contact information for their users, except under very
strictly limited circumstances - typically, such information is
released only to law enforcement agencies, and only with a court
That doesn't mean we can't help, though!
Yahoo has specific guidelines for reporting abuse of its mail accounts
(for example, for spam or internet fraud schemes), provided the mail
actually came from their servers (*any* e-mail address can be used as
a return address, no matter which server the mail originates from.
This is known as "spoofing".)
First, you need to determine if the mail came from Yahoo's servers.
To do so, view the full headers of any mail received from this
address. Run them through Julian Haight's SpamCop service to
determine the true origin of the e-mail:
If you don't know how to read headers, there are two very good
The January 2003 issue of MaximumPC magazine offers a brief visual
There's a more in-depth explanation at StopSpam.org:
Reading Email Headers
Once it's been determined where the e-mail really came from, you need
to first send an abuse report to the sender's ISP or e-mail provider.
If it did indeed come from Yahoo, send a copy of the email, with full
headers intact, to abuse@yahoo.com:
"If the spam or abusive email is being sent from a Yahoo! Mail
account, please forward an unedited copy of the message with full
headers to abuse@yahoo.com."
How do I find out who sent the email?
If the e-mail came from a provider other than Yahoo, you'll need to
report it to the user's ISP. You can do this most easily by copying
and pasting the *entire* e-mail into the reporting box at SpamCop, and
submitting it. SpamCop will automatically file an abuse report for
you, for free.
If you've fallen victim to a scam perpetrated from this e-mail
address, you need to first file a complaint with local law enforcement
officials and your State Attorney General's office:
"If you feel that you have been a victim of internet or computer fraud
or crime, you should contact your state's Attorney General directly."
Reporting Internet Fraud and Crime (currently down, but available
through Google's cache)
There's a master list of State Attorneys General here:
Master List Of Attorneys General
After you've done so, there are a number of organizations you can file
a complaint with:
*****The National Fraud Information Center
"* The NFIC accepts reports about attempts to defraud consumers on the
telephone or the Internet.
* Telemarketing fraud can involve companies calling consumers or
consumers calling companies in response to a mailing or other form of
advertising. It also includes telephone sales pitches to businesses.
* Internet fraud can include promotions found on websites, in chat
rooms, newsgroups and bulletin boards, as well as via e-mail."
NFIC - What to Report
National Fraud Information Center
*****Internet Fraud Complaint Center
"IFCC accepts on-line Internet fraud complaints from either the person
who believes they were defrauded or from a third party to the
complaint. We can best process your complaint if we receive accurate
and complete information from you. Therefore, we request that you
provide the following information at this Web site:
* Your name, address, and telephone number.
* The name, address, telephone number, and Web address, if available,
of the individual or organization you believe defrauded you.
* Specific details on how, why, and when you believe you were
* Any other relevant information you believe is necessary to support
your complaint."
Internet Fraud Complaint Center - How do I file a complaint?
File A Complaint
For victim assistance:
National Organization for Victim Assistance
The National Center for Victims of Crime
For additional information:
Internet Fraud
How to Report Internet-Related Crime
I hope you've found this helpful. If you need further assistance,
please don't hesitate to ask for clarification. I'll be glad to
investigate further.
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