Hello, this is a really tricky one:
I´m looking for a german chidrens TV Series, that was aired in the
late 70´s or early 80s. In germany at that time it was aired by the
Station "Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk" on the first Program in Germany
I think this series was divided in 3 or 4 parts and they where shown
round about 5 in the afternoon.
The story was about two children, who get a camera and a place, where
they can develop the fotos as a present (maybe birthday). Well, they
take a lot of photos nearby. Some of the fotos are made in the woods.
One photo is made by accident, because the camera and/or the kids,
fall from something (cant remember) When they develop the photo, there
is seen a face on it, not very clear, that shows a man, or a dead man.
From that time, they want to find out who this guy is and if he is
dead. So fare the story. Is there somebody, who can help me with the
title of this series and where I can get it? |