Hello finest1-ga,
I suppose that "efficient" and "easy to navigate" depend somewhat on
what you're looking for: businesses or people with a certain name
everywhere; businesses or people with a certain name in a specific
state, city, or ZIP code; businesses according to a particular
category, either everywhere or in a particular location; etc.
Rather than guess incorrectly what sites you would most prefer to use,
I have a suggestion that should work for you. Try a couple of
searches for the same category, business, or personal name in the top
four sites in Google's Addresses and Phone Numbers category, as well
as the top sites in its White Pages and Yellow Pages categories. It
will only take a few minutes, and will give you an idea of how well
each service functions.
"Reference > Directories > Address and Phone Numbers"
Google Directory
"Reference > Directories > Address and Phone Numbers > White Pages"
Google Directory
"Reference > Directories > Address and Phone Numbers > Yellow Pages >
North America > United States"
Google Directory
They're all highly ranked, so presumably a lot of people find them
useful. But you might like a particular feature on one or two of
these sites, and that will make it your favorite.
- justaskscott-ga
Search term used on Google:
telephone directories |