We are trying to locate information on the nutritional value of
individual food plant varieties. For example, is there data on the
nutritional value of a Sungold tomato vs a Sweet 100 vs a Sweet Baby
Girl? Which variety of spinach has the most iron?
The vegetable types we are mostly interested in are:
Other Greens
The nutrition data that we are looking for would include, but not be
limited to, protein, carbohydrate, mineral elements (calcium,
phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium), vitamins (A, B complex, thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin, and ascorbic acid), lycopene and other
antioxidants. We would also like to know which variety(ies) is(are)
considered to be the most nutritious within its type.
In summary, your help in locating information on the nutritional value
of individual food plant varieties would be greatly appreciated. |