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Crime Statistics
Category: Reference, Education and News > Consumer Information Asked by: cowtothesky-ga List Price: $12.50 |
25 Jun 2003 17:26 PDT
Expires: 25 Jul 2003 17:26 PDT Question ID: 221784 |
Hi there. Great service you have here. My question is: How can I obtain the crime data in a city (such as New York City) broken down per precinct, or other small area (such as a 50 block area or less)? It would be nice if I could get categories of crimes, such as violent crimes (murder, rape, etc..) and petty crimes (such as theft, assaults, etc..). What I need is their per capita percentage on the precinct population. in other words, one precinct in a very high violent crime area, may have a percentage of 15% (number of violent crimes per person). And another precinct in a "good" part of town may have a percentage of 4%. I would also like a map showing the precincts or "blocks" in the city. Basically, I am looking for factual data, such as actual statistics kept by the justice department, police agency, or other credible source. Thanks! John | |
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Re: Crime Statistics
Answered By: tutuzdad-ga on 25 Jun 2003 20:41 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Dear cowtothesky-ga; Thank you for allowing me an opportunity to answer your interesting question. GOT THEM! ** PRECINCT MAPS ** Believe it or not, I continued to look while I was awaiting your clarification and I found the very maps youve been looking for. There are actually five of them here. Enjoy: ACTION RADIO NETWORK http://www.actionradionetwork.com/nyc/precinctmap.html Heres another NYC precinct map, and this one is interactive! (Which is really helpful). Give it a try too; you may like it better (notice the drop-down menu that lets you zoom directly to the desired precinct): NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION http://maps.nycboe.net/Police/NYPD.asp -------------------------------------------------------------------- ** NYC CRIME STATISTICS BY PRECINCT ** Here is the record for crimes in NYC broken down by precinct, by borough and in summary, citywide. I think these documents are exactly what you are looking for and they are not only current as of one week ago but the New York City Police Departments COMPSTAT Unit also updates them weekly for your viewing pleasure: NEW YORK CITY PRECINCT CRIME STATISTICS http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us/html/nypd/html/pct/cspdf.html -------------------------------------------------------------------- ** ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ** As for other sources of breakdowns of crimes by precinct, this document dated December 2001 shows a breakdown for selected precincts (if you want to take a glance at the past): CIVIC REPORT 22: DO POLICE MATTER? AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF NEW YORK CITYS POLICE REFORMS http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/cr_22.htm This document has tremendously pertinent information and is relatively recent (but probably not current) however it may require some calculation on your part to reach a definitive result for the purposes of your question: STOP AND FRISK REPORT http://www.oag.state.ny.us/press/reports/stop_frisk/ch5_part1.html You mentioned that you are familiar with the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) but in case you dont have the most recent one, I would be negligent if I didnt mention this important document from the FBI dated 2002. If crime stats are something that interest you, this one ought to really get your attention (Ive been in law enforcement myself for more than 20 years and I get this report every year as it come available Im always mesmerized by the results): FBI http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius_02/02prelimannual.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------- Below you will find that I have carefully defined my search strategy for you in the event that you need to search for more information. By following the same type of searches that I did you may be able to enhance the research I have provided even further. I hope you find that that my research exceeds your expectations. If you have any questions about my research please post a clarification request prior to rating the answer. Otherwise, I welcome your rating and your final comments and I look forward to working with you again in the near future. Thank you for bringing your question to us. Best regards; Tutuzdad-ga ** INFORMATION SOURCES ** Defined above ** SEARCH STRATEGY ** SEARCH ENGINE USED: Google ://www.google.com ** SEARCH TERMS USED: ** NEW YORK CITY PRECINCT MAP NEW YORK CITY CRIME STATISTICS NEW YORK CITY CRIMES BY PRECINCT NEW YORK CITY COMPSTAT NEW YORK CITY NIBRS REPORT NEW YORK CITY UCR REPORT Alternatively I replaced the term New York City with NYC |
rated this answer:![]() Fabulous. This is the info I needed. Thank you so much for your help!! |
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