Dear Valanray,
INFORMATION on Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome
The MRKhorg site ( ) appears to be an excellent
resource for women with Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome. You
will find links to articles, doctors, FAQs and more. On their
"Definitions" page Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKH) is
defined as: "Incomplete development of reproductive organs. MRKH
often involves missing vagina, cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes in
genetic females. Cause not known.
MURCS is an even rarer and more complex version of MRKH with other
abnormalities associated with it. Not all women with MRKH have MURCS,
but ALL MURCS patients have MRKH. The "MU" stands for Mullerian duct
aplasia (the missing vagina / uterus: it's the MRKH part). The "R"
stands for Renal Aplaisa or the kidney problems like a missing kidney,
ectopic (commonly known as pelvic kidney). The "CS" stands for
"Cervicothoracic Somite" association."
"Mayer-Rokitansky syndrome (MRK) is comprised of vaginal atresia with
other variable müllerian (ie, paramesonephric) duct abnormalities
(OMIM 277000 [absence of vagina]). MRK usually remains undetected
until the patient presents with primary amenorrhea despite normal
sexual female development. MRK is the second most common cause of
primary amenorrhea. While this condition has psychologically
devastating consequences, its physiological defects can be treated
surgically. Following diagnosis, surgical intervention allows patients
to have normal sexual function. Reproduction may be possible with
assisted techniques."
Another good source of information is a government index to medical
articles called PubMed. This will give you citations and abstracts to
articles in medical journals. You can find over a hundred articles by
searching for terms like "MRKH" or "Rokitansky". The address is
This page contains a list of articles from medical journals and other
sources on MRKH
For support you can join "The Mayer-Rokitansky-Kustur-Hauser Syndrome
Listserv Online Support Center" - a forum for women with this
syndrome. Over 50 women belong and you should be able to find a lot of
support and information by joining.
"This Email Discussion and Online Support Group has been established
to foster support, information sharing and discussion among among
those women who were born without a uterus
(Mayer-Rokitanksy-Kustur-Hauser Syndrome).
TASC is honored to host this listserv as a service to these women. We
hope it will help build a cyber-community of friends and acquaintances
who are living with this same situation. Members of the list can lend
support and guidance and share their knowledge relating to this
syndrome. Discussion topics of this listserv include health and
emotional issues, personal experiences, and others relating to not
having a uterus.
One unique aspect of the Mayer-Rokitanksy-Kustur-Hauser Syndrome
Listserv is the ability for its members to have the opportunity to
participate in password-protected Live Chat. Members of the listserv
will also be able to participate in monthly Virtual Seminars at which
professionals such as physicians, attorneys, and psychologists, will
be available to answer questions and concerns of the members of the
listserv. This will allow the listserv to function somewhat as an
Online Support Group for women who were born with this syndrome. This
unique chat area will be hosted on our server ... this is not IRC.
Listserv members may enter the Virtual Seminars and the Live Chat
using an alias to protect their personal privacy.
There is no charge to participate in the
Mayer-Rokitanksy-Kustur-Hauser Syndrome Listserv. However, membership
in the listserv is limited to those who have been diagnosed with this
syndrome. No professional interests or commercial entity of any kind
will be allowed to join this closed listserv."
To join, click here:
You may also want to contact "Women Encouraged", which is a another
support group for women with MRKH. The director is Sheryl Sesack.
Women Encouraged
P.O. Box 1564
Clovis, New Mexico, 88101-1564
There is also a support group for MRKH women in England.
This support group is for young women who have MRKH and need to talk
to others, who are close to the same age (15-30).
Source: MRKHorg Groups page
I hope this information is useful!
Best regards,
Search terms on Google:
[ "Meyer-Kuster-hauser-Rokitansky" ]
[ "Meyer-Kuster" ]
[ "hauser-Rokitansky" ]
[ Rokitansky ]
[ Rokitansky mrk ]
[ "women encouraged" ]
[ "women encouraged" support ] |