Clarification of Answer by
01 Jul 2003 05:08 PDT
Dear jannu,
Your wish is my command. Here is the full text from the Liberty
Station website:
Dishonor Roll
Zurich Biopharmacals
This Company which represents itself as a "Zurich" Switzerland
research company sells a product called "artro silium" Which is a
contrived name just like the word "Biopharmacals" which we could find
in no medical dictionary.
These people are no better and no worse than the hundreds---perhaps
thousands of eager beavers exploiting the unfortunate and incurable
condition known as Arthritis. There is a feeding frenzy out there.
Arthritis is not a disease but an end result of joint deterioration so
prevalent among the aged today. The army of exploiters using
condriotin, MSM, Bromelain, Manganese, Glucosamine, horse manure, or
whatnot all have a plausable-sounding "story" they put on the people
least able to afford their overpriced concoction---which, strangely,
always seems to fall between thirty to forty dollars for a month's
The Department of Consumer Affairs tell us that such pricing practices
has little to do with the cost of manufacturing but is set by
marketing research which has determined that such a range represents
the highest price the marker will bear on a consistent basis.
There is an old saying, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't
make him drink!" By the same token, supplying materials the body uses
in its natural functions does not mean that the body will utilize
these artificially introduced materials. People selling alternate
medical concoctions try to make the public believe the body will pick
up on their product---maybe!
Artro silium is a thin jelly-like substance which comes in a 5 oz tube
about the size of a jumbo toothpaste container. Its main ingredient
is water, listed as "deionized water" . An ion is an electric charge.
Deionized water is water containing no electric charge. Neither does
the water coming out of our kitchen faucet. There is a long list of
ingredients with several forms of silicate (90% of the earth's crust
is silicate), alcohol, sodium hydroxide---(also know as caustic soda
or lye), acids, and a slew of unknown herbs or chemicals and a
fragrance to make it smell nice.
It is hard to know what each and every one of these strange materials
are supposed to do for worn cartilage and joint pads. Probably,
nothing. The only certainty is that a three month supply costs well
over a hundred dollars for uncertain results.
This writer personally and faithfully used up three months supply
following directions carefully. Having hands crippled with arthritis,
he was an ideal test agent. We could report no effect from use of the
product other than a pleasant smell and sticky hands for a period of
several minutes.
Although represented as a Zurich product the material is distributed
out of Albany, New York.
Please bear in mind that anyone---including you and I---can call
themselves a "laboratory", "Research laboratory", "scientist",
"research scientist", etc. All of these terms have no legal
Please bear in mind that "testimonials" are a dime a dozen and mean
nothing. They can be bought cheaply but many people will give one
free of charge just to get their name in print, while others imagine
benefits that exist largely in their minds (Placebo effect).
We cannot recommend artro silium based upon our experience.
Hope this helps!
Best regards,