Hello knowledge007-ga,
I happened to be reading a book on this topic recently, by an expert
on chimpanzee behavior, Frans de Waal. The book was The Ape and The
Sushi Master, which deals with the behavior of various primates
including chimpanzees. He has also written a book called Chimpanzee
Politics, on a group of chimpanzees at a zoo in the Netherlands. In
general, the de Waal books might be a good place to delve into the
surprising world of chimpanzees. (I presume that books by Jane
Goodall, cited in the fourth link below, would also be good, though I
haven't read any personally.) As the following web pages indicate,
chimps can paint, practice politics (traditional and sexual), develop
a local culture, recognize themselves in the mirror, use stones and
anvils to crack nuts (and teach their children to do so), create
footwear, etc.
"The Ape and the Sushi Master"
Living Links
"The Copper, the Ape and the Spider" [second article, by Lewis
Oxford Student
"Chimpanzee Politics"
Barnes & Noble
Chimp Haven
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
"ape and the sushi master" chimpanzees
"chimpanzee politics"
"de waal" chimpanzees politics culture tools
"de waal" chimpanzees politics culture nuts termites |