Computer society
Category: Computers > Wireless and Mobile Asked by: creamyboy1175-ga List Price: $100.00 |
29 Jun 2003 10:18 PDT
Expires: 29 Jul 2003 10:18 PDT Question ID: 223152 |
l need about 300 computer society that can register with in bth USA and Britain. | |
Re: Computer society
Answered By: easterangel-ga on 30 Jun 2003 02:02 PDT |
Hi! Thanks for the question. Here is a list of computer related societies, associations and other types of organizations that you can register in the US or in the UK. 1. American Association for Artificial Intelligence http://www.aaai.org/ 2. The American Association for History and Computing http://www.theaahc.org/ 3. American Medical Informatics Association http://www.amia.org/ 4. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR CYBERNETICS http://www.asc-cybernetics.org/ 5. American Society for Information Science and Technology http://www.asis.org/ 6. American Society for Precision Engineering http://www.aspe.net/ 7. ACADIA http://www.acadia.org/ 8. ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTERS AND THE HUMANITIES http://www.ach.org/ 9. Association for Computing Machinery http://www.acm.org/ 10. AGI http://www.agi.org.uk/ 11. The Association for History and Computing http://odur.let.rug.nl/ahc/confer/index.html 12. AIM International http://www.aiim.org/ 13. Association for Information Systems http://www.aisnet.org/ 14. Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing http://www.allc.org/ 15. Association for Logic Programming http://www.cwi.nl/projects/alp/ 16. About the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas http://www.amtaweb.org/ 17. AACE http://www.aace.org/ 18. The Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (AUAI) http://www.auai.org/ 19. Association for Veterinary Informatics http://www.avinformatics.org/ 20. The Association for Women in Computing http://www.awc-hq.org/ 21. ATM Forum http://www.atmforum.com/ 22. BARA (UK) http://www.bara.org.uk/ 23. British Computer Society (UK) http://www1.bcs.org.uk/ 24. British HCI Group (UK) http://www.bcs-hci.org.uk/ 25. The British Machine Vision Association (UK) http://www.bmva.ac.uk/ 26. BMIS (UK) http://www.bmis.org/ 27. Classification Society of North America http://www.pitt.edu/~csna/ 28. Cognitive Technology Society http://www.cogtech.org/ 29. The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium http://www.calico.org/ 30. Computer History Association of California http://www.chac.org/ 31. The Computer Oriented Geological Society http://www.cogsnet.org/ 32. Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility http://www.cpsr.org/ 33. Cybernetics Society (UK) http://www.cybsoc.org/ 34. Encompass http://www.encompassus.org/ 35. Ergonomics Society (UK) http://www.ergonomics.org.uk/ 36. GITA http://www.gita.org/ 37. HIMSS http://www.himss.org/ASP/index.asp 38. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society http://www.hfes.org/ 39. IEEE http://www.ieee.org/portal/index.jsp 40. Institute of Nanotechnology (UK) http://www.nano.org.uk 41. The International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society http://www.cbl.leeds.ac.uk/ijaied/aiedsoc 42. International Association for Computer Information Systems http://www.iacis.org/ 43. International Association for Cryptologic Research http://www.iacr.org/ 44. The International Association for Pattern Recognition http://www.iapr.org/ 45. IACIS http://www.cops.org/ 46. InterNational Committee for Information Technology http://www.incits.org/ 46. TUGNET http://www.tugnet.org/ 47. ICMA http://www.computermusic.org/ 48. ICCC http://www.icccgovernors.org/ 49. IFIP (UK, Europe) http://www.ifip.or.at/ 50. International Federation for Systems Research http://www.ifsr.org/ 51. International Federation of Classification Societies http://www.classification-society.org/ 52. International Federation of Robotics http://www.ifr.org/ 53. International Neural Network Society http://www.inns.org/ 54. The International Society for Computational Biology http://www.iscb.org/ 55. International Society for Computer Aided Surgery http://www.iscas.org/ 56. International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation ISGEC http://www-illigal.ge.uiuc.edu:8080/ 57. ISTE http://www.iste.org/ 58. International Society for the Systems Science http://www.isss.org/ 59. Internet Society http://www.isoc.org/ 60. MPS http://www.mathprog.org/ 61. Medical Records Institute http://www.medrecinst.com/ 62. NISO http://www.niso.org/ 63. Society for Computational Economics http://wuecon.wustl.edu/sce/ 64. The Society for Computer Applications in Radiology http://www.scarnet.org/ 65. The Society for Modeling and Simulation International http://www.scs.org/ 66. The Society for Computers in Psychology http://www.scip.ws/main.html 67. Society for Information Display http://www.sid.org/ 68. The Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education http://www.aace.org/site/ 69. The Society for the Internet in Medicine http://www.internet-in-medicine.org/ 70. The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour (UK) http://www.aisb.org.uk/contact.html 71. UK Sim (UK) http://www.uksim.org.uk/ 72. The USENIX Association http://www.usenix.org/ 73. ACM's Committee on Women in Computing http://www.acm.org/women/ 74. Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University http://www.sei.cmu.edu/cgi-bin/contactus.cgi/sei-home.html?owner=webmaster 75. Arizona Genealogical Computer Interest Group http://www.agcig.org/ 76. Bay Area Roots User's Group http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~barug/ 77. Texas Genealogy Computer Interest Group http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~danasite/CIG/ 78. Central Texas PC Users' Group http://www.ctpcug.org/SIGDetail.asp?tSIGID=7 79. Computer Assisted Genealogy Group http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohcagg/ 80. Computer Genealogy Society of Long Island http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~cgsli/ 81. The Computer Genealogy Society of San Diego http://www.cgssd.org/ 82. The First Official Computer Genealogy Club in the State of Iowa http://www.computergeniesofnwiowa.com/ 83. Conejo Valley Genealogical Society http://www.rootsweb.com/~cacvgs/ 84. Genealogical Computer Society of GA http://www.gencomputer.org/ 85. Genealogy by Computer Society http://www.gcstoledo.org/ 86. Genealogy SIG http://www.lmug.org/sigs/genealogy.html 87. NorthEast Ohio Computer-Aided Genealogy Society http://neocag.net/ 88. Olympia Microcomputer Users Group (OMUG) http://www.olymug.org/ 89. PIKES PEAK COMPUTER GENEALOGISTS http://home.att.net/~midlk/pcgweb.htm 90. Tampa Bay Computer Society http://www.tampa-bay.net/ 91. Southend Family History Computer Group http://www.rootsweb.com/~uksosfhc/ 92. St LGS Computer Interest Group http://www.stlgs.org/cig.shtml 93. VOLUSIA COMPUTER GENEALOGY GROUP http://www.rootsweb.com/~flvcgg/ 94. The Harvard Computer Society http://hcs.harvard.edu/ 95. Tucson Computer Society http://www.aztcs.org/ 96. Chicago Computer Society http://www.ccs.org/ 97. Tulsa Computer Society http://www.tcs.org/ 98. Philadelphia Area Computer Society http://www.pacsnet.org/ 99. SDCS http://www.sdcs.org/ 100. DACS http://www.dacs.org/ 101. Columbus Computer Society http://www.ccscmh.org/index.php 102. ETCS http://www.etcs.org/ 103. ICS http://www.icssite.org/ 104. Golden Gate Computer Society http://www.ggcs.org/ 105. PASUG http://www.phillyos2.org/ 106. North Shore Computer Society http://www.northshore.org/ 107. UCS http://www.ucs.org/index.htm 108. Los Angeles Computer Society http://www.lacspc.org/ 109. SCCS http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/ 110. Marist College Computer Society http://mccs.stu.marist.edu/ 111. Central Kentucky Computer Society http://www.ckcs.org/ 112. Oxford University Computer Society (UK) http://www.ox.compsoc.net/ 113. Alaska Computer Society http://www.acs-pcug.org/ 114. Worcester Computer Society http://www.wcsonline.org/homefram1.html 115. AACS http://www.computersociety.org/ 116. Association of Personal Computer User Groups http://www.apcug.org/ 117. The North Florida Computer Society http://nfcs.tripod.com/ 118. The Western New York Computer Society http://www.bibmug.org/ 119. Prescott Computer Society http://www.prescottcomputersociety.org/ 120. IOCS http://www.computer-society.org/ 121. The Rochester Computer Society Inc http://www.rcsi.org/ 122. Quad Cities Computer Society http://www.qcs.org/ 123. Kennebec Valley Computer Society http://www.kvcs.org/ 124. Mississippi Computer Society http://members.aol.com/mscompsoc/ 125. Michiana Amateur Computer Society http://www.adsnet.com/macs/ 126. Oxford Brookes Students Union Computer Society (UK) http://www.brookes.ac.uk/student/union/societies/compsoc/hlinks4.htm 127. Hendersonville Area Computer Society http://www.hacs.org/ 128. LEO Computers Society (UK) http://www.leo-computers.org.uk/ 129. Computer Conservation Society (UK) http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/CCS/ 130. Boise Computer Society http://boise.computer.org/Default.htm 131. Cleveland Computer Society http://www.ccsohio.org/ 132. KUCS http://www.keele.ac.uk/socs/ks62/ 133. Boca Raton Computer Society, Inc http://www.brcs.org/brcspages/ 134. Licking County Computer Society http://www.lccsohio.org/ 135. Purdue University Computer Society http://csociety-ftp.ecn.purdue.edu/ 136. Pace Computer Society http://www.pacecs.com/ 137. Abacus Computer Society http://www.calstatela.edu/orgs/abacus/LOW/index.htm 138. The Software & Information Industry Association http://www.siia.net/ 139. SNIA http://www.snia.org/about/ 140. TIA http://www.tiaonline.org/ 141. ISACA http://www.isaca.org/ 142. IAMOT http://www.iamot.org/ 143. IWA http://www.webcasters.org/ 144. NASPA http://www.naspa.com/ 145. AITP http://www.aitp.org/ 146. Association of Multimedia Communications http://www.amcomm.org/scripts/content.cgi?page=home 147. HTCIA International http://htcia.org/ 148. CyberSkills Association (UK) http://www.cyberskills.org/maboutus.htm 149. Information Appliance Association http://www.i-appliance.org/ 150. American Association for Computer Rental Professionals http://www.american-computer-rentals.org/ 151. The Association for Computational Linguistics http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~acl/ 152. W3C http://www.w3.org/ 153. International Webmasters Association http://www.iwanet.org/ 154. Web Design and Developers Association http://www.wdda.org/ 155. World Organization of Webmasters http://www.joinwow.org/ 156. Association of Internet Professionals http://www.association.org/ 157. Wise-Women http://www.wise-women.org/ 158. Internet Professional Publishers Association http://www.ippa.org/ 159. USIIA http://www.usiia.org/ 160. WAIM http://www.waim.org/contact.html 161. Digital Divas http://www.digitaldivas.com/ 162. I-Cop http://www.i-cop.org/founders/index.htm#contact 163. GOOD NEWS WEB DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION http://gnwda.org/ 164. Chicago Creative Coalition http://creative-chicago.org/ 165. IAWD http://www.iawd.org/about/ 166. IAWMD http://www.iawmd.com/ 167. Association of African American Web Developers http://www.aaawd.net/ 168. Association of Shareware Professionals http://www.asp-shareware.org/about/contact.asp 169. Educational Software Cooperative http://www.edu-soft.org/index.shtml 170. The Authors Registry http://www.authorsregistry.org/welcome.html 171. The Cray User Group http://www.cug.org/ 172. Southern California Wireless Users Group http://www.socalwug.org/ 173. Bay Area Wireless Users Group http://www.bawug.org/ 174. The New York Personal Computer User Group http://www.nypc.org/ 175. CommUnity (UK) http://www.community.org.uk/ 176. Nerdfest Network Operations Center http://www.nerdfest.org/ 177. Diablo Valley PC User's Group http://www.dvpc.org/ 178. Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey http://www.acgnj.org/ 179. Dallas / Fort Worth Cisco Users Group http://dfw.cisco-users.org/ 180. NYC .NET Developers Group http://www.nycdotnetdev.com/ 181. The San Diego PC User Group http://sdpcug.org/ 182. IFS North America users' group http://infocus.ifsna.com/ 183. Orange Coast IBM PC User Group http://www.ocipug.org/ 184. Southwest Florida PC Users Group http://www.swfpcug.org/ 185. INDEPENDENT COMPUTER PRODUCTS USERS GROUP (UK) http://www.icpug.org.uk/ 186. Chalmette Computer Users' Group http://www.ccugpc.org/ 187. Boise Software Developers Group http://www.bsdg.org/ 188. DVCUG http://www.dvcug.org/ 189. Atlanta PC Users Group http://www.atlpcug.org/main.html 190. ASP Developers' SIG Los Angeles http://asp.sig.lax.webpublishing.com/ 191. MHCUG http://www.mhcug.org/ 192. VSUG http://www.forteonline.com/vsug/ 193. UPSTATE CAROLINA PC USER'S GROUP http://www.ucpcug.org/ucpcug/index.cfm 194. Sacramento Novell Users Group http://www.sacnui.org/ 195. Lancaster Microcomputer Users Group http://www.lmug.org/ 196. Pulborough Computer Club (UK) http://www.pulborough.freeuk.com/ 197. The Golden Triangle PC Club http://www.gtpcc.org/gtpcc/index.htm 198. Hagerstown Users Group http://member.apcug.org/hugpc/ 199. Silicon Valley Novell Users International! http://www.nui.net/svnui/ 200. Chorley Computer Club (UK) http://www.ccc.ukf.net/index2.htm 201. Eastern Virginia Lotus Notes User Group http://evlnug.tripod.com/ 202. webMethods User Community http://www.wmusers.com/ 203. MN Lotus Notes User Group http://www.mnnotes411.com/ 204. J.Y.B.O.L.A.C. http://www.geocities.com/doctor_clu/JYBOLAC.html 205. Mid-Cities PC Users' Group http://www.mcpcug.org/ 206. PCUGSJ http://www.pcugsj.org/ 207. Rockport Computer Users' Group http://www.rcug.net/ 208. Computer Users of Erie http://www.cuerie.com/ 209. Morriston Computer Users Group http://mysite.freeserve.com/mcug/ 210. East Bay Cisco Users Group http://www.ebcug.org/ 211. OCFlash Orange County Macromedia User Group http://www.ocflash.com/ 212. The WordPerfect Baltimore Users Group, Inc http://www.wordperfect.org/ 213. Computer Science Club at UC Davis http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~csclub/ 214. Dublin University Internet Society (UK) http://www.netsoc.tcd.ie/ 215. Red Brick (UK) http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/ 216. University Of Plymouth Student Union Computing Society (UK) http://area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk/ 217. The University of Warwick Computing Society (UK) http://www.warwickcompsoc.co.uk/ 218. CIS Club at Colorado University http://www.colostate.edu/Orgs/DPMA/cisclub/ 219. Computing Research Association http://www.cra.org/ 220. International Society for Computers and Their Applications http://www.isca-hq.org/ 221. SAGE http://sageweb.sage.org/ 222. CIAC http://ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/ 223. AIX ADM http://www.aixadm.org/ 224. Association of Freelance Internet Designers http://www.afid.net/ 225. Business Software Alliance http://www.bsa.org/ 226. Educational Software Cooperative http://www.edu-soft.org/index.shtml 227. The HTML Writers Guild http://www.hwg.org/ 228. IGDA http://www.igdn.org/ 229. Trialware Professional Association http://www.trialware.org/ 230. The British Computer Association of the Blind (UK) http://www.bcab.org.uk/ 231. Connecticut Educators Computer Association http://www.ceca-ct.org/ 232. Saginaw Valley Computer Association Home Page http://www.svca.org/ 233. Broward Personal Computer Association, Inc. http://www.bpca.com/ 234. NWOCA http://home.nwoca.org/ 235. TRECA http://www.treca.org/ 236. National Computing Centre (UK) http://www.ncc.co.uk/ 237. Computer Club of Green Valley http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/CCofGreenValley.html 238. Computer Club of The Wells http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/CCofTheWells.html 239. Dreamland Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/DreamlandCC.html 240. Grand Computers http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/GrandComputers.html 241. Happy Trails Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/HappyTrails.html 242. Leisure World Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/LeisureWorldCC.html 243. South Mountain Users Group http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/SouthMtUsers.html 244. Pebble Creek Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/PebbleCrkComp.html 245. Sunland Village Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/SunlandVillageComp.html 246. Verde Valley Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/VerdeValleyCC.html 247. Village of Apache Wells Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/VillageofAW.html 248. Arizona Society for Computer Information, Inc. (ASCIi) http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/ASCIi.html 249. Computer Club of Apache Wells http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/CCofAW.html 250. Computer Club of Sun City http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/CCofSunCity.html 251. Computers West http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/ComputersWest.html 252. East Valley Association of Computer Clubs http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/EVACC.html 253. Greenfield Village Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/GreenfieldVillage.html 254. Las Palmas Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/LasPalmas.html 255. Mesa Regal Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/MesaRegal.html 256. Silvercom Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/SilvercomCC.html 257. Sun Village Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/SunVillageCC.html 258. Sunland Village East Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/SunlandVillageEComp.html 259. Viewpoint Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/ViewpointCC.html 260. Westbrook Village Computer Club http://aztec.asu.edu/azacc/WestBrookVilCC.html 261. North Wales Linux User Group (UK) http://www.northwales.lug.org.uk/ 262. Morriston Computer User's Group (UK) http://mysite.freeserve.com/mcug/oldindex.htm 263. Bottisham Acorn User Group (BAUG) (UK) http://homepage.ntlworld.com/mark.scholes/baug/ 264. BARUG (UK) http://www.barug.co.uk/ 265. Burnley PC Club (UK) http://www.burnley-pc-club.co.uk/ 266. Byte Home Computer Club (UK) http://mysite.freeserve.com/byte 267. Coastal Computer Center at New Romney & St.Mary's Bay (UK) http://www.coastdrive.com/computers/index.html 268. Elmbridge Computer Club (UK) http://www.surrey-online.co.uk/elm-cc/ 269. Greater London Linux Users Group (UK) http://www.gllug.org.uk/ 270. HANDHELD AND PORTABLE COMPUTER CLUB (UK) http://www.hpcc.org/ 271. Haynes Computer Club (UK) http://www.angelfire.com/ab2/haynescc/ 272. Iceni Computer Club http://www.archipel.demon.co.uk/ICENI/ 273. ICKNIELD COMPUTER CLUB http://www.swtbb.freeserve.co.uk/icc.htm 274. INDEPENDENT COMPUTER PRODUCTS USERS GROUP (UK) http://www.icpug.org.uk/national/index.htm 275. ICPUG SE (UK) http://www.icpug.org.uk/se/ 276. CommuniGate (UK) http://www.communigate.co.uk/herts/jfmcc/ 277. Launceston Computer Club (UK) http://www.launcestoncomputerclub.fsnet.co.uk/ 278. LEEDS P. C. USER GROUP (UK) http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/p_tams/ 279. Maidenhead Computer Club (UK) http://website.lineone.net/~mcchome/ 280. Malvern Linux Users' Group (UK) http://www.malvern.lug.org.uk/ 281. Cambridge University Computing Society http://www.cucs.ucam.org/ 282. Digital Nottingham (UK) http://www.digitalnottingham.co.uk/index.php 283. Swansea University Computer Society http://sucs.swan.ac.uk/ 284. San Diego Computer Society http://www.sdcs.org/award_calif_assembly.htm 285. SAGATUG http://www.sagatug.org/ 286. KIPUG http://www.kipug.org/ 287. CENTRAL COAST COMPUTER CLUB http://member.apcug.org/fourseas/ 288. Colony Computer User Group http://ccug.apcug.org/ 289. Colorado Senior Network User's Group http://cosnug.apcug.org/ 290. Computer Club of Green Valley http://gvcc.apcug.org/ 291. Computer Club of Ocean County http://member.apcug.org/ccoc/ 292. Big Bear Computer Club http://www.bigbearcc.org/ 293. Computer Club in Ventura County http://www.cipcug.org/ 294. Claremont Senior Computer Club http://cyberg8t.com/joslyn/jos-comp.htm 295. Diablo Valley PC User's Group http://www.dvpc.org/ 296. WINNERS http://www.windowsusers.org/ 297. IBM-HUG http://sorrel.humboldt.edu/~hug/ 298. Orangevale/Folsom PC Users Group http://ofpcug.tripod.com/ 299. GLENDORA SENIORS COMPUTER CLUB http://www.starquest.net/gscc/ 300. PCC http://www.pcc.org/ Search terms used: computer society computer club computer societies associations I hope these links would help you in your research. Before rating this answer, please ask for a clarification if you have a question or if you would need further information. Thanks for visiting us. Regards, Easterangel-ga Google Answers Researcher | |
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