Dear Donho,
I hope my answer is going to help. Im living and working in Shanghai
myself and have quite some friends who face the same problem. In most
cases they did find a solution. The information I give you is based on
these experiences and on a call I just made to the US consulate here,
where a friend mostly confirmed my findings.
First: although a nuisance, a waiting time of seven months to allow
your fiancée to come to the US is not uncommon. Getting clearance
might vary between three months till over one year, without knowing
what exactly is going on.
The only place to get information is at the US Consulate in Guangzhou,
where all the Chinese partners have to apply for a visa. When your
fiancée still knows the name of the handling visa officer that might
be helpful to find the right person. You can call this officer and ask
for information, although your fiancée is unlikely to get through.
Chinese citizens are most likely ignored already by the phone
operator, while US citizens do get a rather polite reply.
None of the other diplomatic posts, including Hong Kong will be able
to help you.
Their phone number is (86-20) 8399-2000, their fax number is (8620)
8121-8341. Their mailing address:
United States Consulate Guangzhou
1 Shamian South Street
Guangzhou, 510133 PRC
It is highly unlikely the FBI will answer your questions directly.
What might help is if your Congressman is writing to the State
Department on your behalf. Some of my friends have done so, their
fiancée got through, although it was very unclear whether their action
was helpful.
Please let me know if you need any additional information,
Helpful websites:
Search strategy:
Google US consulate Guangzhou |