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The following is a list of organizations/companies with membership
info and newsletter info or links:
Dog Skills
Newsletter: http://www.dogskills.com/advertise.htm
Dogskills.com -- where our goal is to help fix your dog's behavior to
make your life a lot easier. Currently our newsletter reaches well
over 65,000 subscribers, all interested in what both you and I have to
Newsletter: http://www.dogsaver.net/adinfo.html
"Our Company's mission is to provide a focal point for gathering news
and information on all aspects and perspectives pertaining to dogs.
The Company sells a large selection of themed gifts, software, and
decorative accessories that allow dog-people to express how they feel
about their dogs and their lifestyle. / Our Company has grown since
the first version of our Web site, and now receives over 20,000 daily
visits for nearly 4,000,000 monthly page views. / Your 8 line text
insertion of 65 characters per line maximum can be inserted within our
doginfo News Headlines list. doginfo is a free, twice weekly news
publication sent to over 4500 subscribers." Banner advertising is
also available.
American Rabbit Breeders Association
Publications: http://www.arba.net/pubs.htm
dedicated to the promotion, development and improvement of the
domestic rabbit and cavy industry and fancy. With over 35,000 members
throughout the United States, Canada and abroad, our members range
from the pet owner with one rabbit or cavy to the breeder or
commercial raiser with several hundred animals." The site has an FAQ,
links to national and local clubs, a calendar of national shows, and
American Animal Hospital Association
Newsletter: "The Monthly Pet Planet"
"The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) is an international
association of more than 17,000 veterinary care providers who treat
companion animals... AAHA reminds pet owners that they can help pets
live healthier and longer lives by taking their pets to the
veterinarian for annual physical exams, vaccinations, and dental care
as well as providing pets with fresh water, a balanced diet, and
exercise." The site has an online locator of AAHA-accredited hospitals
in the U.S. and Canada, an extensive pet care library, the monthly Pet
Planet Newsletter, frequently asked questions about pets, and coloring
pages for kids."
Association of Pet Dog Trainers
Newsletter: http://www.apdt.com/trainers-and-owners/membership/newsletter.htm
"The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) is a professional
organization of individual trainers who are committed to becoming
better trainers through education. We were founded in 1993 by Ian
Dunbar DVM, Ph.D. as a forum for trainers to associate with one
another and to discuss topics of mutual interest. We have since become
a member-driven organization producing educational conferences in
locations throughout the United States. Our annual conference has
grown from 250 participants a few years ago to 1500 participants. Our
membership has grown at a similar rate to over 4200 members worldwide.
Our organization is a voice for pet dog trainers. We offer a unique
opportunity for professional networking and sharing of ideas through
our conferences, membership directory, newsletter and seminars. The
bimonthly APDT Newsletter keeps members abreast of contemporary pet
dog training techniques and provides a lively forum for discussion of
dog training and behavior issues. Regular columns address topics such
as how to structure behavior modification programs, training and
assessing shelter dogs, handling techniques for veterinary technicians
and groomers, training tips and case studies, and much, much more."
The Happy Household Pet Cat Club
Newsletter: http://hhpcc.org/happenings/
"The Happy Household Pet Cat Club was organized in Sacramento,
California in 1968 with 13 members. We now have over 700 members and
are a truly international organization. The HHPCC Happenings is the
bi-monthly club newsletter."
Meow Hoo
Newsletter: http://www.meowhoo.com/pages/club.html
"Meowhoo.com is an easily navigated, all-inclusive resource for the
average and above-average cat owner. A place where the user can come
with a specific need in mind, click on a link and be taken to a place
where their needs will quickly be met. It is also geared to encourage
surfing, and arouse curiosity, by motivating the cat owner to surf
through the various categories exploring all the possibilities
offered. This website is the place where all questions will hopefully
be answered, professionals located quickly and products found easily.
We hope you enjoy your time spent here and will spread the word to
other cat lovers about our service. Over 500 members."
The World Parrot Trust
Newsletter: PsittaScene
The World Parrot Trust has support groups in Australia, Belgium,
Canada, Denmark, France, Holland, and the USA. It has 2000 members in
43 countries, and its quarterly news letter "PsittaScene" has a
readership of over 6000 individuals and organisations interested in
parrot conservation. The trust has supported conservation, education
and the welfare projects to help over twenty endangered (CITES
Appendix 1) parrot species in eighteen countries.
Practical Pet Care
Advertising: http://www.practical-pet-care.com/help_main.php#advertising
"Have a question about caring for your pet? Our ebooks have the
answer, whether you need to know about feeding, habitat, health,
lifespan, size, grooming, time, breeding, equipment, or cost of owning
a pet." 17,226 Members
# Instant reach to highly targeted pets lovers and owners worldwide.
# Internet savvy pet owners - who actively shop online.
# Majority of PetsHub members take care of more than one pet. Many
take care of more than enough types of different pets to start a mini
"zoo". This stretch your marketing dollars as you can market multiple
pets related products and services cost-effectively.
# Viral marketing effect. PetsHub Members frequently offer solutions
and pet products recommendations to other pet owners for solving their
pets related issues. They are quick to recommend any good products or
services to fellow pets lovers through word of mouth.
# The ultimate way to build a steady stream of targeted pets loving
visitors who arrive in that warm, ready-to-buy mood. Boost both your
Conversion Rates and your traffic numbers.
# Most importantly, you are providing products and services that
PetsHub Members need or want.
In December 2001 PetsHub received 6.5 million hits and delivered half
a million page views.
Appaloosa Horse Association of Alberta
Newsletter: http://www.ahaa.ca/salesComm.htm
The Appaloosa Horse Association of Alberta (AHAA) is totally
dedicated to the Appaloosa Horse! The AHAA offers promotion,
education, marketing, recognition, encouragement of youth, and
maximizing members' enjoyment.
Share a 1 to 2 page, black & white advertisement in the Appaloosa
Journal. This magazine is the official publication of the Appaloosa
Horse Club (ApHC) and reaches 60,000 members around the world.
More organizations here:
The Internet Public Library: Pets
Search Strategy:
pet OR pets "over * members" periodical OR publication OR
pet OR pets "has * members"
"* members have"
pets "reaches * members"
pets OR pet "periodical OR publication OR newsletter reaches"
[replace members with subscribers]
Additional Link:
Ostriches Online
*33,000+ subscribers to our newsletter |