Dear dpage,
The closest thing I could find about this was an article in MEDLINE
from 1976:
Eur J Cancer. 1976 Mar;12(3):203-10.
The effect of BCG on B16 mouse melanoma: a comparison of routes of
administration on tumour growth at different anatomical sites.
Proctor JW, Auclair BG, Lewis MG.
There wasn't an abstract available, but your doctor can probably get a
copy for you through your local medical library, or you can order it
through PubMed:
There were some other interesting articles on the subject of cancer
and the use of BCG. I will list the links to other abstracts and
articles you might find helpful:
1) Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1976;277(00):160-86.
Immunotherapy of cancer patients with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin:
summary of four years of experience in Japan.
Torisu M, Fukawa M, Nishimura M, Harasaki H, Kai S, Tanaka J.
(link to the abstract)
This did not specifically mention melanoma or injecting in the ribs,
but did mention using many injections of BCG.
2) J Surg Oncol. 1977;9(6):587-93.
Risks of BCG intralesional therapy: an experience with melanoma.
Robinson JC.
(link to the abstract)
This is about a man who had a near-fatal reaction to BCG but then was
cured of melanoma. Interesting but a bit scary.
3) Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
2002, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 335 - 342
M-Vax: an autologous, hapten-modified vaccine for human cancer
David Berd
(link is to the abstract but copy can be ordered online)
4) J Immunother. 1999 Mar;22(2):166-74.
Recombinant human granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor
(rhGM-CSF) and autologous melanoma vaccine mediate tumor regression in
patients with metastatic melanoma.
Leong SP, Enders-Zohr P, Zhou YM, Stuntebeck S, Habib FA, Allen RE Jr,
Sagebiel RW, Glassberg AB, Lowenberg DW, Hayes FA.
Department of Surgery, University of California, San Francisco/Mount
Zion Cancer Center 94115, USA.
(link is to the abstract)
5) Am J Clin Oncol. 1991 Aug;14(4):291-7.
Long-term evaluation of intrapleural bacillus Calmette-Guerin with or
without adjuvant chemotherapy in completely resected stages II and III
non-small-cell lung cancer.
Macchiarini P, Hardin M, Angeletti CA.
Service of Thoracic Surgery, University of Pisa, Italy.
This is not talking about melanoma, but it does mention "intrapleural
injections", which would be through the rib cage.
(link is to the abstract)
6) J Natl Cancer Inst. 1981 Oct;67(4):863-9.
Mechanism of action of BCG-tumor cell vaccines in the generation of
systemic tumor immunity. II. Influence of the local inflammatory
response on immune reactivity.
Key ME, Hanna MG Jr.
Again, this mentions multiple injections as being more beneficial than
one. It is referring to liver cancer, however.
I hope some of this is useful or helpful at all. Good luck! |