I wonder if somebody could advise me how to get out of the following
mess without "FDISK"ing and reinstalling windows or using a virus
remover which probably wont work since the problem does not seem to be
a virus.
I accidentally had a system floppy in my drive a: when I started the
I don't recall if this floppy had the operating system DOS 6.2, DOS
6.22 or Windows 95 version 4.00.950 on it. The system in my computer,
A pentium, is windows 95 version 4.00.1111.
Since then the computer reports a "virus" when started without a
floppy. Pressing "c" followed by "y" causes windows to load but much
slower than before. The scanner and the internet load especially slow
(the modem is the "HSP56 Micro modem drive." The cd-rom fails to
install altogether, but does install if I have config.sys, and
autoexec.bat on c: as well as the files needed for the cd-rom and
other files. Started from a floppy the computer does not display the
"virus"message and acts exactly as before, but, of course, only DOS
9.5, not windows, can be obtained.
I compared the partition table of C: and its boot record to those of
before and could find no change. So I guess the error might be in
window loading files. Is there a way of finding out where it is and
how to correct it with the windows 95 installation disk, and/or
something else or will I have to backup all the partitions, "FDISK",
reinstall windows from the original windows installation cd-rom, and
attempt to reinstall all the backed-up files which might not be
successful? |