Hello trenee
The phrase should be Visita interiora terrae rectificando invenies
occultum lapidem , which is an alchemical expression for vitriol
(take the first letter of each word). It can be translated as " Visit
the Innermost of the Earth and by Rectifying you will find the Hidden
In the approximately sixty works in which the symbols of the hermetic
philosophy are presented in this exhibition the focal role is revealed
of the hermetic philosopher, the candidate in the mysteries, in his
encounter with the fullness of the mystery, which is enacted as in a
process. The candidate is placed before the age-old hermetic axiom:
"Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem":
"Visit the Innermost of the Earth and by Rectifying you will find the
Hidden Stone." This hidden stone, referred to in the above axiom, in
which the Latin initial letters acrostically form the word vitriol,
is a symbolical allusion to obtaining the tincture of life, which has
been held out to the candidate in the mysteries as a promise, so that,
like a crown on his path of initiation, he may receive and apply it as
a spiritual force, as the Philosophers Stone.
From notes to the The Silent Language Exhibition by J.R. Ritman,
Founder of the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica
Web site of J.R. Ritman Library, Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica,
The Library of Hermetic Philosophy in Amsterdam
Vitriol is the old name for hydrochloric acid:
Directly atop the Pentacle of Earth is a smaller globe with a cross.
This is the symbol for vitriol. In chemical terms it is the acid
(hydrochloric acid) that penetrates into the lead - the Interior of
the earth that is psychologically the unconscious- where we begin the
work of rectification. (Note how the modern meaning of the word
vitriol stems from a physical substance; acid evolves into caustic
words!). It is a common expression in alchemy that gold is found deep
inside the lead, and that by bringing consciousness to it, the lead
ascends out of its nigredo state and arises to become a pure white
stone. Ultimately the hidden stone, that is the red stone or the
philosopher's stone, is contained in nascent form within the shadows
of the unconscious.
From: The Secrets of Alchemical Symbols : Vitriol from Daniel
Stolcius' Viridarium Chymicum (1624)
http://alchemicalpsychology.com/new/8.htm (Alchemical Psychology web
Search strategy: I searched for the whole phrase on Google, and then
on fragments, thus establishing the correct form. Restricting the
search to web pages in English allowed me to find the translation. |