Hello again watershed2-ga,
Thanks for an interesting question.
There were a total of 498 EIS's filed with EPA in 1997. The
Department of Agriculture tops the list with 128 EIS'. The full
listing is available in the Appendix of the Council of Environmental
Quality Annual Report for 1997:
Appendix - NEPA Statistical Tables
Table 3. 1997 Environmental Impact Statements Filed with the
Protection Agency
U.S. Department of Agriculture .............................128
-Natural Gas and Oil: Drilling and Exploration ...............1
-Forestry and Range Management.............................. 86
-Parks, Recreation & Wilderness Areas, National Seashores... 15
-Land Acquisition or Disposal, Management Jurisd. Transfer... 1
-Watershed Protection and Flood Control ......................8
Pesticides, Herbicides Use ...................................5
Road Construction............................................ 1
Mining (Non-Energy).......................................... 6
Irrigation, Desalination of Return Flow, Agri Water Supply... 2
Other Water Projects......................................... 3
U.S. Department of Commerce .................................15
-Wetlands, Estuary and Ocean Use (Sanctuary, Disposal, etc) ..3
-Fisheries ...................................................4
-Wildlife Refuges, Fish Hatcheries ...........................1
-Other Water Projects ........................................4
-Comprehensive Resource Management........................... 2
U.S. Department of the Air Force ............................14
-Military Installations (Conventional, Chem, Nuclear, etc).. 14
U.S. Department of the Army .................................13
-Military Installations (Conventional, Chem, Nuclear, etc) ..12
-Forestry and Range Management ...............................1
U.S. Department of the Navy .................................23
-Military Installations (Conventional, Chem, Nuclear, etc).. 21
-Defense Systems............................................. 2
U.S. Marine Corps ............................................4
-Military Installations (Conventional, Chem, Nuclear, etc)... 1
-Sewage Treatment and Sewage Facilities ......................1
-Watershed Protection and Flood Control...................... 2
U.S. Army Department of the Corps of Engineers ..............48
-Military Installations (Conventional, Chem, Nuclear, etc)... 3
-Beach Erosion, Hurricane Prot., River/Lake Stabilization.... 3
-Navigation.................................................. 7
-Dredge and Fill............................................. 7
-Watershed Protection and Flood Control..................... 14
-Other Water Projects ........................................5
-Drainage ....................................................2
-Road Improvements ...........................................1
-Mining (Non-Energy)......................................... 3
-Wetlands, Estuary and Ocean Use (Sanctuary, Disposal, etc.). 1
-Multi-Purpose Impoundments ..................................2
U.S. Department of Energy................................... 17
-Power Facilities: Hydroelectric .............................1
-Power Facilities: Transmission.............................. 2
-Power Facilities: Nuclear (e.g., AEC, TVA).................. 2
-Power Facilities: Conservation and Other ....................3
-Comprehensive Resource Management ...........................2
-Radioactive Waste Disposal ..................................2
-Nuclear Development (e.g., Fuel, Reactors) ..................1
-Other Water Projects ........................................1
-Fisheries ...................................................1
-Natural Gas and Oil: Transportation/Pipeline/Storage........ 2
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency .........................5
-Dredge and Fill .............................................1
-Mining...................................................... 3
-Other Water Projects ........................................1
U.S. General Service Administration......................... 10
-Buildings for Federal Use................................... 5
-Road Improvements ...........................................1
-Buildings, Federally Licensed or Assisted .................. 4
U.S. Department of the Interior............................. 80
-Natural Gas and Oil: Drilling and Exploration............... 4
-Land Acquisition or Disposal, Mgmt Jurisdiction Transfer ....3
-Parks, Recreation Areas, Wilderness Areas, Nat Seashores ...17
-Forestry and Range Management ..............................19
-Mining (Non-Energy)........................................ 15
-Comprehensive Resource Management ...........................3
-Other Water Projects ........................................5
-Wildlife Refuges, Fish Hatcheries ...........................5
-Mining...................................................... 3
-Irrigation, Desalination of Return Flows, Agri Water Supply..3
-Road Construction ...........................................1
-Municipal and Industrial Water Supply Systems............... 2
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission........................... 2
-Power Facilities: Conservation and Other Mining............. 2
U.S. Tennessee Valley Authority ..............................6
-Power Facilities: Fossil ....................................1
-Power Facilities: Conservation and Other.................... 1
-Power Facilities: Nuclear (e.g., AEC, TVA).................. 2
-Power Facilities: Transmission ..............................1
-Other Water Projects ........................................1
U.S. Department of Transportation ..........................100
-Road Construction ..........................................75
-Airport Improvements .......................................11
-Bridge Permits ..............................................5
-Other Permits/Approvals..................................... 3
-Mass Transportation .........................................5
-Military Installations (Conventional, Chem, Nuclear, etc.).. 1
-U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ..................20
-Power Facilities: Hydroelectric .............................5
-Power Facilities: Conservation and Other.................... 3
-Power Facilities: Transmission ..............................2
-Natural Gas and Oil: Transportation/Pipeline/Storage........ 7
U.S. National Capital Planning Commission ....................2
Parks, Recreation Areas, Wilderness Areas, National Seashores.2
U.S. Department of Justice................................... 3
-Buildings for Federal Use................................... 3
U.S. Safety Transportation Board............................. 2
-Railroads................................................... 2
U.S. National Aeronautics/Space Administration............... 5
-Space Programs ..............................................5
Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission...... 1
-Other Water Projects........................................ 1
TOTAL ALL AGENCIES..........................................498
Unfortunately, CEQ stopped producing their annual reports after 1997.
Although their website does provide some updates on environmental
statistics, the NEPA data does not appear to be included.
However, an EPA document, "Number of EISs Published by All Federal
Agencies (1973 - 2001)", available at this site:
provides a more up-to-date graph of the total number of EIS' received
by the Agency for each year, through 2001. As the graph makes clear,
the total of 498 EIS for 1997 has not changed significantly in
subsequent years, and has in fact, remained at the level of about 500
per year since the early 1990's.
I hope this information meets your needs. If you need any additional
explanation or information, just let me know through a request for
clarification, and I'll be happy to assist you further. |