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Help....Gift Ideas for my niece
Category: Family and Home > Relationships Asked by: gova-ga List Price: $5.00 |
02 Jul 2003 10:50 PDT
Expires: 01 Aug 2003 10:50 PDT Question ID: 224333 |
Hey!!! i want to present a wonderful gift to my niece who turns 1 this month. I have this abstract idea. i want to start a fund or deposit kind of thing for her college. I can initially deposit some amount into it and probably I can deposit an amount into it every year on her B'day. which should be really helpful once she is ready to go to college. I need help on realizing this abstract idea. Does any bank or some other firm offer any plans like these for little kids? Or, any ideas on how I can or should go about it? I can deposit upto $500 to start with. Any help is greatly appreciated and rewarded. | |
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Re: Help....Gift Ideas for my niece
Answered By: serenata-ga on 02 Jul 2003 20:31 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi, Gova: Since you are in the United States, any bank that is federally insured, or any savings and loan institution likewise insured, or even an insured credit union will allow you to open an account with you as trustee for your niece. Here's something my own children's grandparents did for each of them, which I thought was a beautiful idea. They opened a passbook savings plan on the day the child was born. Thereafter, at certain "milestones" in their lives, they periodically added to the savings accounts. The amounts were never 'huge', that is $1, $2 or $5 here, perhaps $10 there, but for each milestone, some amount, however large or small, was added. The point of using the passbooks were that for each deposit which was recorded in the passbook, there was a handwritten notation of the occasion, such as "1st Birthday", "first tooth", "started kindergarten", "Valentines Day", "graduation from 6th grade", etc. The money was compounded, and by the time each graduated from high school, there were several thousand dollars in the account, and Grandma and Grandpa presented the passbooks (yes, plural, by that time, there were several of them) to each of them when they graduated. Besides having a nice amount to use to further their educations, the passbooks were a reminder of special events in their lives as they were growing up. It was both a very touching and very useful gift upon the occasion of their high school graduation. Most banks in the Portland area, such as Liberty Bank, Bank of America, etc., offer this service. Setting up the account as trustee for your niece will enable you to control the account until a specific instance in her life, such as attaining her majority, graduation from highschool, whatever. Should something happen to you and you die before that point, the account is hers, and it would be turned over to her legal guardian. I think your idea is lovely, and your niece is lucky to have you in her life. Regards, Serenata |
rated this answer:![]() Dear Serenata, Thanks a lot for your excellent answer. It is very informative. But, since I keep moving from place to place, it would be difficult for me to maintain the pass book and deposit into the account. So, instead I went for the Saving Bonds. But, I can defintely use this idea of bank trustee thing in future. Thanks for your reply. |
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Re: Help....Gift Ideas for my niece
From: mother-ga on 02 Jul 2003 19:03 PDT |
Have you considered U.S. Savings Bonds? My kids have been receiving "Series I" bonds from their grandmother since birth, and at the moment have a very good return rate compared with CD's and savings accounts. They can be issued in the child's name in a number of denominations, and they just keep growing the longer they are held and not redeemed. Bureau of the Public Debt: Savings Bonds http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/sav/sav.htm |
Re: Help....Gift Ideas for my niece
From: gova-ga on 03 Jul 2003 11:32 PDT |
Dear mother, Thanks a lot for your useful comments. The answer given by Serenata is excellent and very informative, but apparently I ended up buying "Series I" bonds because of its high returns, security and other features like tax exemption. Thanks a lot. |
Re: Help....Gift Ideas for my niece
From: research_help-ga on 03 Jul 2003 12:22 PDT |
Have you considered a 529 plan? These are plans offered by every state that you or anyone else can set up for a child. Anyone in any state can set up a plan in any other state so you do not need to be a resident of the state to use their plan. You make an initial contribution and then additional contributions whenever you want. The state treasurer's office appoints an investment firm to manage the plan, which grows tax free, and is distributed tax free to the child for college expenses when they are old enough. If the child does not go to college or does not use up the money, they can either take the money and pay the taxes at their rate, or the funds can be used tax free for any relative (sibling, cousin) of the child. |
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