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Q: Homepage Not Viewable in Netscape ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   3 Comments )
Subject: Homepage Not Viewable in Netscape
Category: Computers > Internet
Asked by: peterp-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 02 Jul 2003 13:03 PDT
Expires: 01 Aug 2003 13:03 PDT
Question ID: 224387
We made a change to our Site's homepage and the main
page is not viewable in Netscape 4.7 and could be other versions. It
seems all our pages work just fine.

Please provide me with the exact code changes I need to correct the
homepage so it is viewable in netscape. I am hoping it is a quick fix
and prices accordingly.

Clarification of Question by peterp-ga on 02 Jul 2003 14:42 PDT

It is time to move back in time. My 4.7 does not work on the main page
works fine on all others.

I had a person from FEDEX and Boeing (two small companies)who have
standard computers from their companies say they could not view the
home page. So many companies are that far beyond the times with
browsers and I need to fix it. In particular since the other pages
work fine in 4.7.
Subject: Re: Homepage Not Viewable in Netscape
Answered By: serenata-ga on 02 Jul 2003 18:14 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello Peterp ~

I thought this would be an "easy" answer, because when a page won't
show in Netscape 4.7x (or earlier versions), it is usually because
tables weren't closed properly. In this instance, that wasn't the

The problem is obviously in the second table on the page, as this is
the portion that doesn't show. Front Page is proprietary and is famous
for throwing in a lot of extraneous code, so I removed all removed all
that coding and "rebuilt" your page one paragraph at a time.

I should have worked backwards, as the "error" seems to be the
following coding for the webring, which is near the bottom of the

<script language=javascript 


If you remove that coding, the page shows up just fine in all
browsers, including Netscape 4.79.

There is also a problem with the "Join The Mailing List" portion, as
Netscape 4.79 does not recognize and handle the DIV style="FLOAT:
attribute well. The adjacent text sits under the 'floating' form.

Netscape 4.79 is still available for download and installation, and
you might want to install it on your own system in order to see what
others are seeing. I keep Netscape 4.79 and half a dozen other
browsers on my own computer in order to check layouts for just such an

Netscape 4.79 can be downloaded here:

I did not use any search terminology in this instance, as I am aware
of the problems with designing pages so they are visible in older
Netscape browsers.

Hope this helps,

Clarification of Answer by serenata-ga on 02 Jul 2003 21:28 PDT
Thank you, Peter ...

I would be happy to help with answering your html coding questions ...
I've been working on that Netscape 4.79 "problem" for years. For what
it's worth, about 98% of the time, I can count on the fact that if I
can get it to look right in Netscape 4.79, it will pretty much look
the same across the board.

There are some 'hacks' I sometimes need to use, but the ultimate test
is making sure it shows up in Netscape 4.79.

The reason a lot of large enterprises still use this browser, by the
way, is that they use custom-designed software that utilized Netscape
as it's user interface. My own bank did just that for its nationwide
interface, and it took them three years and millions of dollars to
rewrite it for modern browsers. It still has more bugs now than it did

I would bet that's exactly why Fedex and Boeing use it - internal
systems that rely on it for their user interface.

Thank you for your generous tip. That was unexpected, so very

peterp-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $10.00

Great work. Took his time and achieved 100% of what was asked and
more. I would like to be able to request the reasearcher in the
further with HTML code.

Subject: Re: Homepage Not Viewable in Netscape
From: hammer-ga on 02 Jul 2003 13:59 PDT
FYI ---
I can see your homepage fine with:
Netscape 6 on PC
Netscape 7 on PC
Netscape 7.02 on Mac

- Hammer
Subject: Re: Homepage Not Viewable in Netscape
From: peterp-ga on 02 Jul 2003 19:18 PDT
It could be took "her" time. I first thought hammer did the work. I
can't image a woman with the nick name "hammer" sorry if I made an
Subject: Re: Homepage Not Viewable in Netscape
From: owain-ga on 03 Jul 2003 05:28 PDT
I submitted the page to the W3C Validator at
using the Validate function in Opera and it reported 172 errors
against the HTML 4 Transitional standard. If the code is validates
properly with W3C and is also Bobby compliant for accessibility it
*should* work on all browsers from Lynx upwards - and if it doesn't
it's not then the webperson's fault.


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