I am new to J2EE so this may be a very simple question to answer.
Nevertheless, any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have installed the J2EE Application server 1.4 beta 2 on a Windows
2000 system. I would like to use it as a Java Message Queue provider.
I have JMS working and I am able to run simple applications on the
J2EE server to enqueue and dequeue messages from a queue that I have
set up.
I would like to have the client application, the message producing
app, to run on a remote machine, with nothing but jvm installed. My
problem is getting the client to connect with the JNDI namespace
provided by the J2EE app server. I have not found a way to do this.
Could anyone provide an example of the properties required to connect
to the JNDI context of a remote Sun J2EE application server? The code
should look something like...
static String CONNECTION_FACTORY = "QueueConnectionFactory";
String url = "http://www.someurl.com";
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put (Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
However, I don't know how the Sun J2EE app server needs these
properties set up....does anybody know how to do this, or know of a
good reference for this?
Thanks, Andreas |