Clarification of Answer by
07 Jul 2003 12:18 PDT
Hi again abrandt!
To locate the winners of high school art contests, I would break down
the key phrases like this:
"high school" "art contest*"
..and then add the area you wish to search:
"high school" +"art contest*" +Los Angeles
Brings up 1,010 results, you might try adding one more keyword to
refine the results further:
"high school" +"art contest*" +Los Angeles +winner*
Refined to 334 results.
To find art teachers in your area:
This is how I begin:
"art teacher" +"Los Angeles" (6,530 results)
"art teacher" +"Los Angeles" +"web design" (refined to 347 mixed
Then, I keep checking results, and refining until:
"art teacher" +"Los Angeles" +"web design" -job* -resume
(105 results --removed resume postings, notice the wildcard " * " that
catches plural: job/jobs)
You can use the same techniques for keywords, but as I mentioned keep
a list of what you have tried on a sheet of paper so you don't get
1) winner* (page might say "winners" instead of "winner")
2) "art teacher*" (more likely page will say "art teacher" but just in
3) different area names, try your school district name, county name,
city name, and state first!
For the designers of slick looking school web sites, you need to find
a list of school web sites:
AMerican School Directory
$3.00 subscription, lists all schools and web sites, as well as a lot
of other information. You can compile it yourself too, or ask Google
Answers to do it for you... To complie youyrself, enter your school
district by name in quotes. For instance, I live in in this school
"Shoreline School District"
The official page for the Shoreline School Dist. is the first result.
I wasn't able to find a ready-made list of schools, so I refined my
results to search the Internet for one:
"Shoreline School District" +"School List"
And found this listed first:
Here's the home page so you can do a search for yours:
Great Schools
After you get each schools web site, you'll need to go to each one and
scroll down to the bottom of each 'front page' and look for a link to
"email the webmaster"
There's really no easier way to contact the makers of a web site...
I really don't mind educating you in search techniques, do you have
any other questions before you rate me? :-)