Hi Voni,
I found a website on a jewellers exhibition that took place last year
which included Virginia Le Bailly's work, and i spoke to Mr Mike Gell,
the contact of the exhibition. Here's the link:
You can purchase Virginia Le Bailly's jewellery from Mike Gell who has
some of her jewellery in stock - he informs me he has stud earrings
and necklaces currently in stock, and can get hold of other pieces you
may want. Alternatively, you can purchase jewellery from Virginia Le
Bailly herself, though it is probably best if you go through Mike
Gell, as Virginia is in the process of moving house - he should be
able to give you her contact details. Please note that Mike Gell is
officially on holiday, but his contact number is 01497 820047.
I hope this helps!
Search terms used (Google):
"virginia le bailey"
"virginia lee bailey"
"virginia lee bailey" jewellery
"virginia lee bailey" jewelry
virginia bailey jewellery
virginia bailey jewelry
"le bailey" jewelry
"le baily" jewelry
baily jewelry
bailey virginia jewelry
"virginia le" jewelry
"virginia lee" jewelry
"virginia le" jewellery
"virginia le bailly" |