Clarification of Answer by
22 Apr 2002 22:55 PDT
Hi, Alan-
Any one of those 220,000 people in the greater Portland, Maine area can walk
into their public library and access the internet.
In your request for clarification, you now mention from their homes, but also
mention maybe [
] from work. You ask how many can, perhaps you really want
to know how many do?
As I said in my answer, determining exactly how many homes have connections is
nigh impossible, but its clear that the number is very high in Portland, ME.
The United States Census Bureau has published data which says that in the
northeastern part of the country, about 20% of the adult population has
Internet access:
Census Bureau
---Begin quote from
NORTHEAST: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
ITEM Total Online/
adults Internet ---------------------------------
usage Home Home Work
or work only only
Northeast 19.7 19.9 20.1 20.3 19.2
---End quote from
However, cable modems have very high penetration in Portland in particular,
upwards of 30%, which suggests that the Census bureaus numbers for the general
area (The Northeast) are likely to be low- very likely lower even than the
number of people with high-speed access, though the Census Bureaus numbers are
about any Internet access at all.
Speed Bumps Cable modems in Maine
The Portland area has RoadRunners highest market penetration in the country:
28% of all cable-equipped locations subscribe to the service. agrees:
Roadrunner Gears Up Business Class Offer
Markets like Portland, Maine where cable-modem penetration is beyond 30
percent led the charge.
According to Time-Warner, there are 85,000 cable TV subscribers in the Greater
Portland Area (35,000 of which are RoadRunner subscribers); with a population
of 265,000 in the area, that is essentially 100% penetration of cable TV in the
These numbers greatly skew available estimates, such as Gartner Dataquests
market study that showed that 25% of those households that are online are
making high-speed connections. But perhaps their finding that 50% of those high-
speed connections are cable modem subscribers is true for the Portland area as
well, in which case we may estimate that as many as 60% of its population is
online at high speeds from their home, or approximately 120,000 people.
Online at Home in the U.S. 8/31/01
What is clear, even without explicit customer data, is that Portland, Maine is
exceptionally wired, with much of the population having good access to high-
speed, broadband Internet.
I hope this answers your question more completely.