It's always difficult to prove a negative, and you might just find a
small or independent publisher which has translated and published the
book, but my take on it is : NO, this book is not available in
The book with this ISBN is by Mathias Bröckers, title "Verschwörungen,
Verschwörungstheorien und die Geheimnisse des 11.9.", and published by
Zweitausendeins. You will find an English translation of a Der
Spiegel article about the book at
It seems to be a controversial book, investigating possible
conspiracies and deceptions (the title translates as "Conspiracies,
Conspiracy Theories and the Secrets of September 11"). It was also a
surprise bestseller for the publishers, going through four reprints
inside ten days. ("'Mathias Bröckers' Buch ist der grösste
Verlagserfolg von Zweitausendeins seit vielen Jahren und hat uns
selbst überrascht. In 10 Tagen haben wir bereits vier Auflagen
gedruckt und durch Vorbestellungen
Despite that, searches for "Mathias Bröckers" (that's an o+umlaut),
"Mathias Brockers" and "Mathias Broeckers" on Google (advanced search,
all pages and then English pages only) found no references to a
translation into English; searches for variations of the author's on
Amazon.com and Amazon.de also failed to turn up English translations.
Sorry the news is not better. |