First of all, when "Episode 4" came out it in 1977, it was just called
"Star Wars."
"Soon after the unexpected huge success of Star Wars, George Lucas
announced that it was only one part in a multi-chapter saga, and
almost immediately started production on the next part, The Empire
Strikes Back. But there was also a pre-story that might get made
someday, he said. The first movie really started 'in the middle' of
the story."
The title "Episode IV" was not added to the beginning of the film
until 1981.
Source: StarWars.com
There's a good article on this subject by Julia Houston of about.com:
"Was it Six Episodes, or Nine?"
"The number of episodes in the Star Wars saga has always been up to
George Lucas. He wrote a treatment back in the early 1970s that
described in very general detail the entire story. Seeing that the
story was too big for one movie, he picked the center portion of the
story, and developed it for filming. Several rewrites later, Star
Wars was born.
After the first Star Wars movie became a big hit, Lucas started
developing his larger plan for the series. He had a hit movie, some
ideas for the history behind the story, and some ideas for where the
story should go. However, this original outline did not necessarily
dictate nine separate movies."
source: scifi.about.com
Also see:
"Six Episodes or Nine Episodes?"
"Gary Kurtz Reveals Original Plans for Episodes 1-9"
Fans have their own theories:
" Reportedly, he chose to start the saga in medias res because he
felt the middle chapters would yield the most positive audience
response, that they were the most adventuresome and exciting parts."
source: newsgroup discussion archived by Google Groups:
"The reason why Lucas has not started with Episode has been discussed
It's because the middle trilogy was the trilogy with the most actions
the one that was the most attractive for the audiences. And there's
the argument from Lucas that he had not the right FX to do the
prequels like
he was seeing them in his mind. Those comments are from various
made by Lucas between 1977 and 1983."
source: newsgroup discussion archived by Google Groups:
"It's not by chance that Lucas started with Episode IV and not
I. He was following the pattern set by most great epics which is to
jump in
the middle of the story and not at the beginning."
source: newsgroup discussion archived by Google Groups:
'According to _The Creative Impulse_ book that came with the Star
Definitive Collection laserdisc box set, Lucas' original intention was
to do one, long, whopping film. But he quickly realized that it would
be just too much for typical audiences, so he cut his story into three
parts and continued to refine them as individual films. After further
writing and editing, he cut each portion down again into three
"chapters" each, which became the episodes in his trilogies.
As to why he started with Episode IV, my guess is that it was the most
self contained (meaning it had a firm resolution at the end of the
portion to make into the break-through film he needed at the time to
solidify his reputation as a film maker.'
source: newsgroup discussion archived by Google Groups:
There appear to be no plans at this time for Episodes 7,8,9
From a 1997 online chat with George Lucas hosted by Leonard Maltin:
"Will we ever get to see Episodes 7, 8 and 9?" Gordon Elders,
Newcastle, Quebec
Lucas: "Right at this moment, the answer is no. Once the prequel
trilogy is complete I plan to put Star Wars on the shelf and walk away
from it for good. There are many other kinds of films I would like to
From a 1999 online chat with producer Rick McCallum:
"corren23 asks: Is it true that Lucas will not make episodes 7, 8,
and9? If it is why won't he? Thanks
StarWars_McCallum: It's definitely true.
StarWars_McCallum: These films are so complex and time consuming and
he has other projects that he wants to do."
source: starwars.com
"No Star Wars sequels, says Lucas," from BBC
There are many sites that have information about Star Wars:
Star Wars: The Official Site
Hundreds more listed in the Google directory:
search strategy:
"star wars", lucas, "started with episode"
"episodes 7, 8", lucas
"starwars.com", "theforce.net"
I hope this helps. |