Hello bluekat
Here is the US data for causes of death in males, in 2000, according
to age. However, the highest age group given is 65+
The data are from the National Center for Injury Prevention and
web site, and you can select reports for 1999 onwards or for 1998 and
before on this page: http://webapp.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/leadcaus.html
Selecting 1999 onwards brings you to another page where currently the
choices are only for 1999 and 2000 data. You can select various
display options. I've selected age groups as you requested and the top
10 causes of death for each group (you can select up to 20 causes).
The results can be downloaded in spreadsheet format (csv)
10 Leading Causes of Death,
2000, All Races, Males
Group Rank Deaths Cause of Death
1 3,028 Congenital Anomalies [birth defects]
2 2,391 Short Gestation
3 1,509 SIDS [sudden infant death syndrome]
4 791 Maternal Pregnancy Complications
5 643 Respiratory Distress
6 569 Placenta Cord Membranes
7 501 Unintentional Injury
8 447 Bacterial Sepsis
9 357 Circulatory System Disease
10 352 Intrauterine Hypoxia
1 1,098 Unintentional Injury
2 259 Congenital Anomalies
3 233 Malignant Neoplasms [cancer]
4 198 Homicide
5 107 Heart Disease
6 54 Influenza & Pneumonia
7 53 Septicemia
8 52 Perinatal Period
9 33 Benign Neoplasms [non-cancerous tumors]
10 28 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease
1 824 Unintentional Injury
2 269 Malignant Neoplasms
3 105 Congenital Anomalies
4 77 Homicide
5 64 Heart Disease
6 32 Benign Neoplasms
7 27 Influenza & Pneumonia
8 26 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease
9 24 Septicemia
10 17 Anemias
1 1,037 Unintentional Injury
2 300 Malignant Neoplasms
3 238 Suicide
4 150 Homicide
5 102 Congenital Anomalies
6 99 Heart Disease
7 54 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease
8 21 Cerebrovascular [stroke]
9 21 Influenza & Pneumonia
10 17 Benign Neoplasms
1 10,460 Unintentional Injury
2 4,203 Homicide
3 3,424 Suicide
4 1,022 Malignant Neoplasms
5 638 Heart Disease
6 268 Congenital Anomalies
7 120 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease
8 106 Cerebrovascular
9 102 Influenza & Pneumonia
10 99 HIV
1 9,059 Unintentional Injury
2 3,938 Suicide
3 3,361 Homicide
4 1,922 Heart Disease
5 1,854 Malignant Neoplasms
6 1,602 HIV
7 376 Diabetes Mellitus
8 308 Cerebrovascular
9 280 Liver Disease
10 279 Congenital Anomalies
1 11,444 Unintentional Injury
2 9,286 Heart Disease
3 7,344 Malignant Neoplasms
4 5,114 Suicide
5 4,441 HIV
6 2,319 Homicide
7 2,314 Liver Disease
8 1,297 Cerebrovascular
9 1,151 Diabetes Mellitus
10 630 Influenza & Pneumonia
1 25,927 Heart Disease
2 24,215 Malignant Neoplasms
3 9,063 Unintentional Injury
4 4,975 Liver Disease
5 4,149 Suicide
6 3,296 HIV
7 3,235 Cerebrovascular
8 2,821 Diabetes Mellitus
9 1,661 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease
10 1,425 Viral Hepatitis
1 48,427 Malignant Neoplasms
2 43,285 Heart Disease
3 5,564 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease
4 5,496 Cerebrovascular
5 5,133 Unintentional Injury
6 4,943 Diabetes Mellitus
7 4,005 Liver Disease
8 2,265 Suicide
9 1,680 Influenza & Pneumonia
10 1,651 Nephritis
1 83,191 Malignant Neoplasms
2 74,589 Heart Disease
3 16,210 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease
4 12,042 Cerebrovascular
5 8,226 Diabetes Mellitus
6 4,639 Unintentional Injury
7 4,013 Influenza & Pneumonia
8 3,564 Nephritis
9 3,317 Liver Disease
10 2,867 Septicemia
1 109,693 Heart Disease
2 85,907 Malignant Neoplasms
3 23,946 Cerebrovascular
4 23,838 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease
5 9,751 Influenza & Pneumonia
6 9,738 Diabetes Mellitus
7 6,228 Alzheimer's Disease
8 6,213 Nephritis
9 6,063 Unintentional Injury
10 4,530 Parkinson's Disease
1 78,896 Heart Disease
2 33,260 Malignant Neoplasms
3 18,212 Cerebrovascular
4 11,876 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease
5 10,945 Influenza & Pneumonia
6 6,406 Alzheimer's Disease
7 4,671 Nephritis
8 4,413 Unintentional Injury
9 4,234 Diabetes Mellitus
10 3,387 Pneumonitis
The UK statistics are available from National Statistics
The actual file you want is available in Excel or csv format at
It includes separate data for males and females. The figures are not
presented as clearly, so I have tried to sort them out for you. Also,
the age ranges are presented in 10-year blocks from age 5 upwards and
in the lowest age group do not include deaths occurring at under 28
days of age.
Group Rank Deaths Cause of Death
1 129 Complications just before or after birth
2 115 Congenital diseases
3 96 SIDS
4 52 Diseases of nervous system
5 20 Pneumonia
6 19 Heart disease
7 18 Digestive system diseases (not liver)
8 16 Accidents
9 13 Septicemia
10 12 Assault
1 50 Accidents
2 49 Congenital disease
3 46 Cancer
4 37 Diseases of nervous system
5 22 Hormonal, nutritional and metabolic diseases
6 17 Meningococcal infection (bacterial
7 13 Heart disease
8 11 Septicemia
9 10 Assault
10 7 Digestive system (not liver)
1 123 Cancer
2 121 Accidents
3 64 Diseases of nervous system
4 34 Congenital disease
5 24 Hormonal, nutritional and metabolic diseses
6 13 Heart disease
7= 9 Assault
7= 9 Digestive system (not liver)
9 8 Cerebrovascular
10= 7 Benign neoplasms
10= 7 Blood diseases
10= 7 Pneumonia
1 881 Accidents
2 373 Intentional injury
3 185 Cancer
4 167 Drug abuse
5 127 Diseases of nervous system
6 60 Heart disease
7 46 Hormonal, nutritional and metabolic diseses
8 41 Congenital disease
9 22 Digestive system (not liver)
10 19 Cerebrovascular
1 901 Accidents
2 799 Intentional injury
3 359 Drug abuse
4 338 Cancer
5 300 Heart disease
6 155 Nervous system
7 120 Liver disease
8 60 Cerebrovascular
9 55 Congenital disease
10 41 Pneumonia
1 1464 Heart disease
2 1081 Cancer
3 864 Intentional injury
4 793 Accidents
5 580 Liver disease
6 258 Nervous system
7 218 Drug abuse
8 126 Pneumonia
9 123 Assault
10 58 Congenital malformations
1 4823 Heart disease
2 3960 Cancer
3 1068 Liver disease
4 640 Accidents
5 639 Intentional injury
6 598 Cerebrovascular
7 389 Nervous system
8 260 Pneumonia
9 149 Drug abuse
10 129 Diabetes mellitus
NB from this age up, diabetes mellitus forms the greatest proportion
of hormonal, nutritional and metabolic disease, while previously it
was negligible.
1 11,220 Heart disease
2 11,124 Cancer
3 1387 Cerebrovascular
4 980 Liver disease
5 941 Chronic respiratory
6 690 Digestive system (not liver)
7 552 Nervous system
(of which motor neurone disease = 148)
8 505 Pneumonia
9 478 Accidents
10 430 Aortic aneurysm
1 23,141 Heart disese
2 20,776 Cancer
3 4065 Cerebrovascular
4 3191 Chronic respiratory
5 1526 Aortic aneurysm
6 1515 Digestive system (not liver)
7 1199 Nervous system
(of which 355 = Parkinson's, 282 = motor neuron, 204 = Alzheimer's)
8 730 Diabetes mellitus
9 699 Liver
10 554 Accidents
1 34,777 Heart disease
2 24,166 Cancer
3 9261 Cerebrovascular
4 6072 Chronic respiratory
5 4420 Pneumonia
6 2719 Digestive system (not liver)
7 2490 Nervous system
(of which 1193= Parkinson's, 201= motor neuron, 689= Alzheimer's)
8 2428 Aortic aneurysm
8 1476 Vascular and unspecified dementia
9 1408 Genitourinary disease
10 1052 Diabetes
1 18,289 Heart disease
2 9422 Cancer
3 6954 Cerebrovascular
4 5690 Pneumonia
5 2858 Chronic respiratory
6 1781 Vascular and unspecified dementia
7 1758 Senility without psychosis
8 1477 Nervous system
(of which 689 = Parkinson's, 554 = Alzheimer's)
9 1374 Genitourinary disease
10 970 Aortic aneurysm |