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Here is a list of organizations in Connecticut. Many of these
organizations have multiple locations within the state. In such
instances, I picked a random location:
Telephone: (508) 875 4724 | Contact: Fran or Art
E-mail: nekiwanis@aol.com
New England District of Kiwanis
P.O. 687
Framingham MA, 01704
Exchange Club
http://www.nationalexchangeclub.com/regions/region_12.htm [multiple
regions within CT; first 2 are bad links]
Telephone: (860) 349-0272 | Contact: Phil Gaudreau
E-mail: dmexchange@hotmail.com
Durham/Middlefield Exchange Club
P.O. Box 281
Durham, CT 06422-0281
Lions Club International
http://www.ctlions.org/ [multiple regions within CT]
Business: 860-623-2615
Home: 860-627-5535
Email: sstorms444@aol.com
322 Elm Street
Windsor Locks, CT 06096
Lodge Phone: 860-522-3911 | Contact: Bob Bianacimano
Email: N/A
34 Prospect Street
Hartford, CT 06103
V.F.W. Post #2083, Rochambeau Elms
Phone: (860) 289-9660 | Contact: James Masi [Commander]
Email: vfw2083@aol.com
3 Bidwell Street
East Hartford, CT 06108
American Legion
Phone: (860) 721-5942 | Contact: Boyd Saxton [Commander]
Email: connecticut@legion.org
Department Headquarters, The American Legion
287 West Street
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Chamber of commerce
[separate organizations by city {search under: "chamber of commerce"
Email: http://www.metrohartford.com/contactus2.html
Phone: 860-525-4451, Fax: 860-293-2592
E-mail: info@metrohartford.com
31 Pratt Street, 5th Floor
Hartford, CT 06103
American Legion Post 68
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
154 Porters Pass
Kensington, CT
Phone: (860) 828-9102 [Contact: Katherine Dubay]
Knights of Columbus Hall
Web: N/A
Email: N/A
647 N Mountain Rd
Newington, CT
Phone: (860) 953-0538 [Contact: Mike]
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 120 Inc
Email: jrcvva120@aol.com
357 Main St
Hartford, CT
Phone: (860) 568-9212
Moose Club
404 Prospect St
East Hartford, CT
(860) 528-8009
Here are a good number of clubs/organizations, organized by:
Business & Trade
Chambers of Commerce
Environmental Groups
Fraternal Organizations
Labor Organizations
Military Organizations
Non-Profit Organizations
Political Organizations
Youth Organizations
available at:
Mycity Yellow Pages
Once you select an organization category, be sure to change the city
you're looking in toward the bottom of the page to see organizations
in different cities.
Search strategy:
<organization name> connecticut |