US Army Recruiting
Category: Reference, Education and News Asked by: darksprite-ga List Price: $10.00 |
07 Jul 2003 09:56 PDT
Expires: 06 Aug 2003 09:56 PDT Question ID: 226084 |
what is the best way to guarantee specific placement in the US Army, as in having a particular job. what questions should be asked, what should or shouldnt i believe comming from a recruiter; and last what is their confidentiality agreement like?? my neighbor is an army recruiter, however i dont want the neighborhood knowing my business =) thanks~ |
Re: US Army Recruiting
Answered By: byrd-ga on 07 Jul 2003 16:39 PDT Rated: |
Hi Darksprite, Youre certainly wise to explore these questions before you talk to an Army recruiter. Make no mistake, a military recruiter is like a salesperson, with quotas to meet, incentives for meeting them, and disincentives for failure to do so. The pressure on the recruiter to fill his/her quota can be enormous and the sales tactics used can be equally high pressure. Now, thats not to say there are no advantages to enlisting in the Army and no truth to the things the recruiter will tell you. But as you obviously know already, if you arm yourself ahead of time with some good solid knowledge, you can make a far more informed decision on your own. Lets take your questions in order. -What is the best way to ensure you are guaranteed the job you want? First of all, youre in luck because, unlike the other services, the Army WILL guarantee your placement in a particular Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). However, there are buts. The first hurdle youll have to cross is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, a slew of tests the military uses to determine your aptitude for and trainability in various military jobs. Your recruiter will make the appointment for you to take these tests, and your score will determine in part which MOSs are open to you. Here is a site that explains the ASVAB as well as what the scores mean: http://usmilitary.about.com/library/weekly/aa043001a.htm Here are a couple more: http://images.military.com/Recruiting/ASVAB/1,13387,,00.html http://usmilitary.about.com/library/weekly/aa043001a.htm If youd like to purchase a comprehensive study guide, theres one here: http://www.baseops.net/militarybooks/asvab/ Once you have that score, then youll also want to know something about the various MOSs in order to select one that suits your interests. Learn what they are, whats involved in their respective day-to-day duties, and what kind of training you will have to go through for how long. Also keep in mind that usually the more complex the MOS, the longer the enlistment period, and the fewer the benefits. For example, an infantry foot soldier gets the maximum signing bonus, the most college money, and the shortest active duty enlistment period. Someone in aviation maintenance, however, will get no signing bonus, the minimum amount of college money, and a six-year active duty enlistment. Be sure to ask. And finally, there must be an opening in that particular MOS at the time you enlist in order for you to receive the guarantee of placement. Bear in mind that the Army will try to steer you into whichever job(s) they are most in need of personnel for, though you dont have to accept any offer(s) they make you if youre not interested in them. Once youve decided which job you want, have made sure you qualify, and that its currently available, youll then (if you havent already) talk to the Occupational Counselor at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) where youll go for your physical and other tests, and you get them to commit the guarantee in writing. In most cases it will be honored. Bear in mind, however, that should you enlist in time of war, or if the country goes to war shortly after your enlistment or while youre in Basic Training, you could get up getting assigned a different MOS if there is a great need with a corresponding personnel shortage. Again, let me emphasize that the Armys emphasis is on its own needs, not yours. There are 65 MEPS locations around the country. Heres a list so you can locate the one nearest you: http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/blmepslocations.htm --What should you believe or not believe of what the recruiter tells you? --What questions should you ask? You should take everything the recruiter says with a large grain of salt, and question everything. Ask to see written information. Ask for brochures. Ask for websites. Ask for names and contact information of soldiers the recruiter has previously worked with so you can talk to them. Do not rush this information-gathering process. Youll be pressured to make up your mind, but resist the pressure and dont sign anything until youre ready and feel absolutely comfortable with your decision. The recruiter will likely not tell you outright lies, but again, you'd be wise to keep in mind that his or her job is basically that of a salesperson. S/he will probably pay a lot of attention to you, and even do a lot of nice things for you, such as taking a personal interest in you, giving you rides, encouraging you, calling you often to see how you are or if you have questions, inviting you to functions, even attending your athletic games or other events you might be participating in. This isnt necessarily insincere; most recruiters are selected because they enjoy the military and they enjoy trying to assist others who are interested in enlisting. But and its a big but dont be too flattered by all the attention. The recruiter is still just doing his or her job. Now then, here are some links for you to check out. First of all, check out http://www.goarmy.com , which is the Armys recruiting site. Read all you can because you will find answers to many of your questions there, as well as come up with further questions you can ask your recruiter. This link is to a general article in the Princeton Review on Army enlistment for high school graduates: http://www.princetonreview.com/cte/articles/military/armyhs.asp Heres a fairly comprehensive site put up by the Department of Defense Office of Personnel and Readiness describing the enlistment process. Its comprehensive, but bear in mind that its written from the perspective of the military: http://dod.mil/prhome/poprep2000/html/chapter2/c2_recruiting.htm So then, just for balance, heres a website put up by the opposite point of view, the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors: http://www.objector.org/text/before-you-enlist.html This site is admittedly anti-military, but they do try to be fair as they point out some of the pitfalls and myths you may encounter during the enlistment process. They will also give you a good list of questions to ask and points to be aware of as you proceed through the process. Probably none of these websites is entirely objective, but taken together they will give you a broad overview of both positives and negatives about the recruiting process. One thing the CCCO site talks about that you should take very seriously is about the purpose of the military. Dont have any illusions that they are trying to recruit you so they can help you. They want you so you can help them. Always keep in mind that the primary purpose of the Army is to prepare for and be ready for war, either defensively should our country be attacked or, as in the case of the recent action in Iraq, offensively if our President and Congress so order. That means that if you enlist, you must face and accept the possibility that you could be sent to war. In addition, with the increasing role of the military in worldwide peacekeeping missions, you could end up somewhere in the world as part of a peacekeeping force. Furthermore, you will likely be subject to these possibilities for eight years from the time you begin basic training, whatever the term of your active duty commitment might be. For example, suppose you enlist for a three-year term of active duty, with a six-year reserve commitment. At any time during the five years following your discharge from active duty, you could be called up to serve and youd have to go. In addition, should the country go to war, even a month before your enlistment is up, you could be subject to what is called Stop Loss. That is, the Army may require you to remain on active duty as long as it needs personnel in your MOS. Yes, there are advantages to enlistment for you, and many people have very positive feelings about their time in the military and are pleased with the benefits they've earned. In fact, some people like the lifestyle so well they reenlist and continue on to have a military career. Just dont go into it thinking that you are there for your benefit alone. Youll be there to serve the Army, not the Army to serve you. That said, heres a great site that lists the Armys current enlisted job descriptions and qualifications: http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/arjobs/blarjobs.htm And another here: http://www.goarmyreserve.com/jobs/ And here: http://www.stayarmy.com/mos.htm You can find out about pay rates here: http://www.dfas.mil/money/milpay/ http://www.dfas.mil/money/milpay/pay/ As to confidentiality, well, from the time you begin the process, your personal information will be available to the Army itself, of course, but also to other governmental agencies with a need to know. Once youve taken the ASVAB, for example, be prepared to be contacted by recruiters from the other branches of the military. They all monitor those tests and their recruiters have quotas too. But within identified parameters, the Army does guarantee confidentiality of certain information, such as your medical record, as well as other personal information that might become part of your file. This can include complaints of sexual harrassment, seeking assistance for personal problems such as substance abuse or addiction, mental health problems , and the like. Here are some links which explore the concept more fully, and also explain when and how confidentiality may be broken: http://www.wramc.amedd.army.mil/departments/Judge/Confidentiality.htm http://www.army.mod.uk/soldierwelfare/supportagencies/aws/confidentiality/sw_sa_aws_confid_w.html http://docs.usapa.belvoir.army.mil/jw2/xmldemo/r600_85/main.asp#ch1 (Chapter III 6-7) In addition, be sure to mention your concerns about confidentiality to the recruiter before you fill out any forms, or give any information, or take any tests. Make sure you are fully informed as to exactly who may see your information and for what purposes it may be used. These general policies are not readily available online, so you will have to make your recruiter find out the answers for you. However, be assured that your Army personnel information is not public information and will not be available to the neighborhood in general regardless of any curiosity they may have about your affairs. In the preceding answer Ive assumed that your interest is regular Army enlistment, and so have not mentioned Army college ROTC as a possibility or the Army National Guard. However, if you are interested in those, here are a few links for you to check out regarding requirements, benefits, and MOS for officer and Guard: http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/blarmyofficermos.htm http://www.military.com/Recruiting/Content?file=rcoe_guard.htm&area=Content Warrant Officer information: http://www.leavenworth.army.mil/wocc/Index.htm http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/arwarrant/blwarrantmenu.htm And here are some general links to information about Army recruiting in general, Active Duty vs. Reserve, ROTC and Guard; scholarships, benefits, pay and jobs: http://www.military.com/Recruiting/Content?file=rcoe_guard.htm&area=Content http://army.military.com/?ESRC=ggl_army.kw http://www.goarmyreserve.com/index05.htm http://www.arng.army.mil/ https://www.perscomonline.army.mil/ In answering this question I relied on my own experience as a former Army parent, having gone through the Army recruitment and enlistment process with my own son, beginning the summer before his high school senior year, on information given to me by my son during the course of his six-year enlistment as a 67T UH-60 Helicopter Repairer, as well as on conversations with his recruiter, and his and my military and prior military friends and acquaintances. In addition, I used a number of internet sources, returned by using the following search terms: Army recruiting ASVAB MEPS locations Army jobs OR MOS Army pay Army ROTC Reserve Guard If there is anything you need clarification on, please do ask before rating and closing the question. I want to be sure you are comfortable with the information provided as you head down this path, so you can make a good decision for you based on accurate and complete knowledge. Warmest regards and best wishes for your future, --Byrd | |
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incredible anwser, covered everything im looking for, for now =) hope to hear from you again |
Re: US Army Recruiting
From: trueparent-ga on 07 Jul 2003 22:13 PDT |
Darksprite-GA, it is my duty to inform you, that the answer to your question, is a flat NO! There is absolutely no way to guarantee that you will have the "job" you want, in any US Military. This is not to say that it cannot happen, but it cannot, by any means, be guaranteed. Sometimes, the recruiter will try to mislead you into thinking it can, by guaranteeing that the TRAINING for that job is guaranteed. That much is true. So, you put up your right hand, and swear/join, and you get to go to a month or two of TRAINING, and then, they can make you a cook, or a janitor for the next four or six years. This can be done, because once you raise your right hand, you must follow "lawful orders". "Lawful orders" cover more territory than you can imagine, believe me. byrd-GA gave you the same answer I have, but the "catch" was buried in the answer, when byrd-GA says that "if the country goes to war", all bets are off. With our current constant "war" against terrorism, you can kiss any GUARANTEE of having the "job" you choose, GOODBYE. But there is a much more important reason, why you may not end up with the "job" you want. That is covered in the last of 8 Comments of the Question: How to get out of the Army? It is at URL: <http://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=208359> I quote it here, to let you know what byrd-GA may not know. -------QUOTE FOLLOWS------- Factsman-ga seems down to Earth, but he doesn't know the most closely held secret of the military; that secret is, what is the bottom line purpose of all military? Many people guess: "To protect our country.", or "To enforce our national interests.", or "To make real men out of whoosies." But they are all wrong. The bottom line purpose of the military, is to kill human beings. As ol' blood n' guts Patton put it, "We're not here to die for our country, but to make that son-of-a-bitch die for HIS country." And the Devil is in that detail. Since most of us are strongly taught that it is "wrong" to kill, the military relies on a "secret system" of consistent, arbitrary harassment, to make a man angry enough, at any given moment, to pick up the "weapon", and say, with deep meaning, "Just show me who to kill.". Even the "Lifers" in the military, though they learn how to be pecked on, and how to peck on those "under" them, hardly ever figure out why this is happening. They just allow their character to be destroyed, and figure that's just the "way it is". This Top Secret "inherent harassment" in the military is simply understood, and unless it is buried deep in some secret bunker that I could never find, there is no Army Manual of Methods of Harassment in existence. In times of "real war" such as WWII, the horror of all this can be justified, but in the "small, politically motivated wars", this reality does not set well with any aware, idealistic young man/woman. You do not escape the issue of killing, even if you are assigned a "desk job", because your work still "supports" those who do the killing, and you are still harassed by the same "secret system". Incidentally, psychologists have recently discovered that the final maturation of the human brain is not completed until the age of 28, (not 21, as the politicians decided). It is not an accident, that military recruiters consider 28 as a cut off point. They normally only go after the ones younger than that. -------END OF QUOTE------- It appears that the saying that was popular in the 1960s, still applies. It was, "Don't trust anyone over 30 (years old)". Also, I believe that the book "Catch 22", (I forget the author), should be mandatory reading, for anyone contemplating a military "career". Strange as it may seem, I am not saying that you should not enlist in the military; but you should only enlist with both eyes wide open. Of course, I would advocate fighting any governmental attempt to begin any mandatory "draft", which I believe is close on the horizon. |
Re: US Army Recruiting
From: byrd-ga on 08 Jul 2003 07:27 PDT |
I'm so sorry, trueparent, that you have apparently had such a bad experience with the military. That's regrettable certainly, although thankfully it is not the universal experience of all who enlist. I come from a dual military family (both parents, WWII, Navy), the father of my eldest son was an AF ('Nam '69) veteran, my youngest son is an Army veteran, and I have a wide acquaintanceship of current and prior military personnel. I myself am a member of the official Air Force Auxiliary as a Civil Air Patrol Mission Pilot, with frequent occasion to interact with Army National Guard and Reserve and active duty Army troops, fine upright men and women of high character, at our CAP meeting place at a local Nat'l. Guard Armory. Based on this experience, as well as my research, Darksprite, I do stand by my statement that the Army will guarantee your placement in your choice of MOS as outlined above, with the exceptions I mentioned. Yes, once you are sworn in, you are sworn to obey orders whatever they may be, but I will still reiterate that the Army goes much farther than the other services in offering such a guarantee, and they will make an effort to honor it. The other branches DO, as trueparent-ga said, offer only training in a general area without the specific job guarantee that the Army gives. My son received his choice, did in fact work as a Blackhawk crewchief as he told his graduating class he would, and is now happily going to school on his GI Bill money, and has just bought a condo with his VA loan. He wasn't pleased with everything he found in or about the Army, and was rather disgruntled with some of the things his recruiter told him that turned out to be "not quite true," but he is still glad he did it for the experiences he had, and the benefits he did earn. Now, having said that, I will concede that each particular MOS is part of a larger field of work. So, how this can work, for example, during my son's first tour of duty in Hawaii, he spent time in the hangar working on helicopters, drove a Humvee around for a Colonel, operated a radio in a tent during exercises, and spent some sweaty hours in the motor pool under a truck hood, before he finally completed even more advanced "on-the-job" training and got to fly on the bird as part of the crew. These variations in actual jobs are spelled out in the "fine print" of the MOS descriptions in the url I gave you, and I would again strongly urge you to look closely, and educate yourself well on these details. It's also explained like this: "Closely related positions that require similar qualifications and the performance of similar duties are grouped as an MOS under a generic title. The job title Legal Specialist, for example, encompasses duty assignments such as preparing correspondence, maintaining files, and researching." Check it out here: http://www.militaryguides.acenet.edu/class.htm The preceding comment from trueparent-ga is useful as it appears to very strongly emphasize some of the points I tried to touch on in my answer regarding awareness of the purpose of the military. Read it as a strong opinion from someone who likely would not choose to enlist, or didn't learn early enough what that decision entailed and so came to regret it. But also seek out and hear the opinions of those who were ultimately pleased with their choice to enlist, so that you will have a balanced view. Only you can make the right choice for you, and that choice must be based on as complete and balanced a set of facts and information as you are able to gather, both pro and con, as well as on your core belief system and whether or not you are able to accept the ultimate purposes of the military. It IS different than civilian life, but it must be so for a reason. Find out what that reason is. Oh - one other thing. I see that I failed to give you the search term I used to find information about Army confidentiality policies. That was Army confidentiality policy OR code Again, all my best to you in your attempts to find answers and come to a decision about your future, --Byrd |
Re: US Army Recruiting
From: trueparent-ga on 11 Jul 2003 04:40 PDT |
I am sorry to see that byrd-GA is in such denial, concerning the internal truth about the military, as I have stated it. This truth speaks for itself, whether one "enjoys" their military service or not. I have to throw my hands up in surrender, to the unbelievably comprehensive and accurate info offered by byrd-GA. I in no way wanted to appear critical of the completely practical advice byrd-GA has provided. After all, there are so many directions that civilian life could take a young man's life, that would be so much worse than the discipline and genuine patriotic service offered by military work. I myself have benefited in untold ways, from my military service. I was red, white, and blue, when I went to Vietnam, and I was black and blue, patriotically speaking, by the time I returned to the US. You would do well, darksprite-GA to study how and why the CIA caused and orchestrated the Vietnam war, and so much more, as described by Col. F. Prouty, (ret.), in his book, JFK. It appears to be available, at: <http://www.prouty.org/> I suggest getting the CD-ROM there, which is loaded with Prouty's often suppressed revelations, about the US military, and even more crucial matters. When I checked, in 2000, his book, JFK, seemed to be heavily suppressed, but now, since his death on June 5, 2001, his expose' seems to have been revived, which is very good for you, darksprite-GA, and for all young people. As fighting Communism gave unlimited power to the CIA then, fighting "Terrorism" is now going to give unlimited power to the CIA, et al, again. SO, HERE WE GO AGAIN.... My favorite conspiracy theory, is that the "ruling class" has always used/facilitated war as a means of controlling and "thinning the herd". War would ease the stress of overpopulation on all lines of food and other supplies, while making sure that no "revolution" against the status quo could take place. But after the atom bomb was used on Japan, MAD, (i.e. Mutually Assured Destruction), has prevented war from being used on a wide enough scale, to accomplish this "thinning". Now, are we all being set up, by the "powers that be", (Prouty calls them "the High Cabal"), to accept and even expect, the killing of millions of people, by WMDs, (i.e. Weapons of Mass Destruction), supposedly used by "terrorists"? The world I grew up in, had over 50,000 atom bombs, 3,000 of which were the largest, 300-megaton weapons; a bomb of this largest size, exploded a hundred miles in the air, half way between Chicago and New York, destroys both cities. I thought that world was the nastiest possible. I was dead wrong. Most of those atom bombs still exist, but may end up being packed in by mule, across the US-Canadian border. Incredibly sophisticated germ and chemical warfare have been added to the mix. Sad to say, the US is in dire need of a dedicated, volunteer military, to help slow down the onslaught of the use of such weapons, on the US. But something new is necessary, or there is actually no way for the world to avoid this progression of events. I know/believe that that "something new" is the teaching/worldview offered by the hsa-uwc, (i.e. The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity), and the FFWPU, (i.e. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification). So, brand me as you may, but mark my words. You will one day wish that you had studied the teaching/worldview of the hsa-uwc, before enlisting in today's US military. I also wish you well, darksprite-GA, as you decide how to direct your life, with all this information. |
Re: US Army Recruiting
From: darksprite-ga on 11 Jul 2003 09:25 PDT |
wow thank you for all the comments, glad to see both sides of this and will take both into deep consideration, will check out and read the material you mentioned, the complication to my situation is im not a US Citizen so im limited to my mos's, and my overall goal is to become a uh-60 pilot, to do so you must be a citizen which is my reason for enlisting, as far as i can tell you can transfer to become one from any mos, as well im 90% done on my faa private pilot in fixed wing, and shortly after will start my rating with rotary, found most of the material i will be tested on and LOOKS fairly simple, but they had no books to study such as the ASVAB has hundreds. In any case, next week im going to be contacting a recruiter, hopefully talk to my neighbor whom i think i can trust .05% more than the others =) |
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