Greetings Jdm1,
It was a bit tough and I doubt a complete list can be found, but I
found many resources on marijuana mentioning some regions where it is
tolerated. Perhaps you could ask the administrators of these sites for
their knowledge on a complete list of marijuana-tolerant places.
Netherlands tops the list of tolerant countries.
Where Is Marijuana Legal? Ask The Old Hippy - Drugs - Hippyland
- Tolerant countries or places within them on pot include Australia,
Holland (The Netherlands), India, Afghanistan, Nepal, Morocco and
others. California has some level of tolerance.
- UK, Portugal and Belgium decriminalized possession of marijuana.
+ve Magazine December 2001 - Globe trotting
- Canada is only country that licenses growth and possession of
European Laws on Marijuana - A comparative table of how cannabis and
marijuana is treated by European* legal systems
Tiscali Europe – has a table on European countries as well
Power Links. Saner Cannabis and Drug Policies Worldwide. Compilation
of many world press articles about drug war and reform. Many with
Green Party info. In chronological order. Search tools for more info.
- Lists a lot of countries and gives their current status on marijuana
laws (through links to websites). This might be the closest to a
complete list on the Net.
Articles about legalization of Marijuana:
Legalization of marijuana from
Marijuana Seeds (Cannabis Seeds) Growing Marijuana, Legal Highs,
Marijuana Growing - Dr. Dean Edell - Banned Substances: Of Absinthe
and Marijuana - (4/1/1999)
- Marijuana is tolerated in Holland.
About Marijuana, by
Future Drug policy in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc
Based on I’ve observed in the search results, it appears that there is
an active movement for the legalization of marijuana, supported by
scientific reports about negligible effects, but it is being opposed
by the United States who seem to have a hidden vendetta in their
banning drugs, as reported in many conspiracy theory circles. The UN
is likely to be largely driven by US influence, so it also frowns on
pro-marijuana movements. So for now there is no country where
marijuana is legal, but there are many regions where it is tolerated.
Here in the Philippines, I know of an underground performer who is a
pot smoker, but being in the underground, I guess our country’s
generally intolerant.
Pop-up ad offering marijuana
News source for marijuana lovers:
Google search terms used:
countries marijuana banned
countries marijuana legal
marijuana countries tolerated/tolerate
countries marijuana tolerate
cannabis countries tolerated/ tolerate
world marijuana tolerate
I hope this has been a most helpful answer. If you have any problem
with it, do please post a Request for Clarification and I shall
respond. Thank you. |