Greetings Daniellians:
There are many areas of networking and I have compiled a list below of
books on various areas of networking.
From the site at are
the following titles. On the page, you're also able to follow links
to view the tables of contents of each book - some also offer
reviewers' comments:
Network Systems Design Using Network Processors
Internetworking With TCP/IP Volume 1: Principles Protocols, and
Architecture, 4th edition
Internetworking With TCP/IP Volume II: Design, Implementation, and
Internals (with D. Stevens), Third ed
Internetworking With TCP/IP Volume III: Client-Server Programming and
Applications, Linux/POSIX Socket Version (with D. Stevens), 2000
Internetworking With TCP/IP Volume III: Client-Server Programming and
Applications, AT&T TLI Version (with D. Stevens), 1994
Internetworking With TCP/IP Volume III: Client-Server Programming and
Applications, Window Sockets Version (with D. Stevens), 1997
Internetworking With TCP/IP Volume III: Client-Server Programming and
Applications, Window Sockets Version (with D. Stevens), International
Edition 1997
Computer Networks And Internets, (CD-ROM by Ralph Droms), Third
Edition, 2001
Hands-on Networking with Internet Applications, (Web site by David
Laverell), 2002
The Internet Book: Everything you need to know about computer
networking and how the Internet works, Paperback, 3rd Edition 2000
Computer Networks ISE, 3rd Edition
Peterson & Davie
World Scientific offers many, many books under their Networking
heading at
Active Media Technology - Proceedings of the Second International
Adaptive Neural Network Control of Robotic Manipulators
Advanced Studies of Flexible Robotic Manipulators - Modeling, Design,
Control, and Applications
Advances in Data Mining and Modeling
Advances in Distributed Multimedia Systems
Advances in Image Processing and Understanding - A Festschrift for
Thomas S Huang
Advances in Informatics - Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic Conference
on Informatics (HCI '99)
Advances in Intelligent Systems for Defence
Agent Engineering
Agents as Objects with Knowledge Base State
Analogue Imprecision in MLP Training
Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images - Proceedings of the
First International Workshop on Multitemp 2001
Application of Neural Networks and Other Learning Technologies in
Process Engineering
Applications of Generalized Nets
Automatic Diatom Identification
Automatic Generation of Neural Network Architecture Using Evolutionary
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems - Explorations in Learning,
Self-Organization and Adaptive Computation
Biocomputing 2002 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium
Biocomputing 2003 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium
Brainware: Bio-Inspired Architecture and Its Hardware Implementation
Business Applications of Neural Networks - The State-of-the-Art of
Real-World Applications
Cellular Automata - A Discrete Universe
Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications - Proceedings of the
7th IEEE International Workshop
Chaos in Circuits and Systems
Clustering and Classification
Combinatorial and Global Optimization
Compensatory Genetic Fuzzy Neural Networks and Their Applications
Complexity and Emergence - Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the
International Academy of the Philosophy of Science
Computational Intelligence in Software Engineering
Computational Intelligent Systems for Applied Research - Proceedings
of the 5th International FLINS Conference
Computer Aided and Integrated Manufacturing Systems
A 5-Volume Set
Volume 1: Computer Techniques
Volume 2: Intelligent Systems Technologies
Volume 3: Optimization Methods
Volume 4: Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing
Volume 5: Manufacturing Processes
Computer-Aided Design of Communication Networks
Computing and Information Technologies - Exploring Emerging
Proceedings of the International Conference
Connectionist Models of Cognition and Perception - Proceedings of the
Seventh Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop
Decision Technologies for Financial Engineering - Proceedings of the
Fourth International Conference on Neural Networks in the Capital
Markets (NNCM '96)
Differential Neural Networks for Robust Nonlinear Control -
Identification, State Estimation and Trajectory Tracking
Disorder Versus Order in Brain Function - Essays in Theoretical
Dynamic Vision - From Images to Face Recognition
Emerging Optimization Techniques in Production Planning and Control
First Look at Graph Theory, A
Frontiers of Remote Sensing Information Processing
Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic Systems - Soft Computing
Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation
Volume 2: Applications, Languages and Tools
Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation
Volume 3: Concurrency, Parallelism, and Distribution
Hybrid Intelligent Engineering Systems
Hybrid Methods in Pattern Recognition
Hypercomplex Iterations - Distance Estimation and Higher Dimensional
(with CD ROM)
Information Theoretic Neural Computation
Intelligent Agent Technology - Research and Development - Proceedings
of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on IAT
Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing in Nuclear Science and
Proceedings of the 4th International FLINS Conference
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Robot Learning
Intelligent Control - Aspects of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Nets
Least Squares Support Vector Machines
Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Reliability
Mathematical Foundation of Informatics, The Proceedings of the
Methodologies of Using Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Technologies for
Motor Incipient Fault Detection
Modelling Biomedical Signals
Multivariate Methods in High Energy Physics - The Neural Network
Multi-State System Reliability - Assessment, Optimization and
Net Theory and Its Applications - Flows in Networks
Networks - The Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on
Wireless LANs and Home Networks (ICWLHN 2002) and Networking (ICN
Neural Adaptive Control Technology
Neural Fuzzy Control Systems with Structure and Parameter Learning
Neural Network Training Using Genetic Algorithms
Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare -
Proceedings of the Third International Conference
Neural Networks and Systolic Array Design
Neural Networks for Intelligent Signal Processing
Neural Networks in Design and Manufacturing
Neural Networks in Vision and Pattern Recognition
Neuromorphic Systems - Engineering Silicon from Neurobiology
Neuronal Information Processing - From Biological Data to Modelling
and Application
New Frontiers of Decision Making for the Information Technology ERA
New Paradigm of Knowledge Engineering by Soft Computing, A
Nonlinear Workbook, The Chaos, Fractals, Cellular Automata, Neural
Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic with C++, Java, SymbolicC++
and Reduce Programs
Nonlinear Workbook, The Chaos, Fractals, Cellular Automata, Neural
Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Gene Expression Programming, Wavelets,
Fuzzy Logic with C++, Java and SymbolicC++ Programs
(2nd Edition)
Optical Communications and Networks (With CD-ROM) - Proceedings of the
First International Conference on ICOCN 2002
Parallel Implementations of Backpropagation Neural Networks on
Transputers: A Study of Training Set Parallelism
Pattern Recognition - From Classical to Modern Approaches
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Temperature Regulation
Practical Applications of Soft Computing in Engineering
Principles of Artificial Neural Networks
Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement (Confinement 2000)
Radial Basis Function Neural Networks with Sequential Learning MRAN
and Its Applications
Ram-Based Neural Networks
Recent Advances in Computational Science and Engineering
Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific and
Engineering Computation (IC-SEC) 2002
Recent Advances in Reliability and Quality Engineering
Recent Trends in Multimedia Information Processing - Proceedings of
the 9th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image
Sensors for Environmental Control - Proceedings of the International
Workshop on New Developments
Silicon and Beyond - Advanced Device Models and Circuit Simulators
Soft Computing and Its Applications
Soft Computing Approach to Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
Understanding Brain and Mind - A Connectionist Perspective
Universality and Emergent Computation in Cellular Neural Networks
Vision - The Approach of Biophysics and Neurosciences - Proceedings of
the International School of Biophysics
Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications (In 2 Volumes) - Proceedings of
the Third International Conference on WAA
What is Life? - Scientific Approaches and Philosophical Positions
Wireless LANs and Home Networks - Connecting Offices and Homes
Proceedings of the International Conference
There are links to synopses of the books on the site where you may
learn more about each book. This is a well-presented collection of
Perusing these titles should keep you busy for awhile and I also want
to know the exact area of networking study you wish to pursue. I'll
be happy to conduct an additional search for more specific networking
topics if you will share with me the details of the networking
information of your chosen field.
Best regards,
"networking books" |