Hello Reasearcher,
I am willing to know about some universities or sites which offers
full scholarships to the resident of Pakistan in Computer
Education/information technology aswell as other education related
programs which conduct online test or test at any authorize testing
please write in detail with reference of web sites.
you may ask for the clearification of question if you have any.
Thanks in advance |
Request for Question Clarification by
10 Jul 2003 11:35 PDT
Hi Guest!
Do you have a particular country in mind for the university (i.e., US,
UK, Canada, Australia, Pakistan)? This will help narrow our search.
Clarification of Question by
11 Jul 2003 11:11 PDT
Hello Libra,
Yes, I would like to know about the universities/institutes in
US,UK,Canada, and Australia (as many as possible, and min.5 URL per
country )aswell as other countries except ASIAN regions.
If you enclose other relative information with it about VISA,
migrating process and etc...etc.... then it will be gr8 and will
deserve to qualify for additional TIP:)
Thanks for asking for clarification
Request for Question Clarification by
23 Jul 2003 02:01 PDT
Dear guest00420,
You are asking for relatively extensive information (5 universities
from each country, visa information, etc.) for the price you offer.
You may review our pricing guide to get a better picture of what kind
of questions get answered for $5,
https://answers.google.com/answers/pricing.html, or alternatively, set
your expextations of an answer lower.
Clarification of Question by
26 Jul 2003 06:51 PDT
okay, I increased the price of my question aswell as expectations for
an acceptable answer....
min URL=3
with all details and migrating process
if this price doesn't suits you then tell me how much you want to
answer to this question?