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Q: Question! ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Question!
Category: Business and Money
Asked by: shoaib-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 13 Jul 2003 02:53 PDT
Expires: 12 Aug 2003 02:53 PDT
Question ID: 229347
In  the  following   website,
 it  is  written  that  "unlike  traditional  banks,  investment 
banks  do  not  accept  deposits  from  and  provide  loans  to 
individuals", I  want  to  know  that  what  is  the  'meaning' of 
that  mentioned  sentence?
Subject: Re: Question!
Answered By: livioflores-ga on 13 Jul 2003 07:10 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi shoaib!!

To ilustrate the difference between a commercial bank and an
Investment bank I will start with the definitions:

Commercial Banks:
"The official definition of a commercial bank is a privately-owned
institution that accepts demand deposits and makes commercial loans.
Demand deposits are money people leave in an institution with the
understanding that they can get it back at any time. Commercial loans
are simply loans to businesses. This action of taking deposits and
making loans is called financial intermediation."

Investment Bank:
"An Investment Bank is a financial institution which provides services
in the issuance of securities, brokerage and asset management.
Commercial banks are not empowered to carry out all of the above."
From "What is an Investment Bank?":

"Typically, an investment banking group nowadays provides world-wide
some or all of the following services, either in divisions of the bank
or in associated companies within the group:
-Corporate Finance and advisory work, normally in connection with new
issues of securities for raising finance, take-overs, mergers and
-Banking, for governments, institutions and companies;
-Treasury dealing for corporate clients in currencies, with financial
engineering services to protect them from interest and exchange rate
-Investment management, either for corporate pension funds, charities,
private clients, either via direct investment for the more wealthy or
via unit and investment trusts. In the larger firms, the value of
funds under management runs into many billions of pounds;
-Securities trading, in equities, bonds or derivatives and offering
broking and distribution facilities."
From "A Career in Investment Banking":

Now the difference:
"...the difference between how a typical investment bank and a typical
commercial operate bank is simple: A commercial bank takes deposits
for checking and savings accounts from consumers while an investment
bank does not...
A commercial bank may legally take deposits for checking and savings
accounts from consumers...The typical commercial banking process is
fairly straightforward. You deposit money into your bank, and the bank
loans that money to consumers and companies in need of capital (cash).
You borrow to buy a house, finance a car, or finance an addition to
your home. Companies borrow to finance the growth of their company or
meet immediate cash needs. Companies that borrow from commercial banks
can range in size from the dry cleaner on the corner to a
multinational conglomerate...
An investment bank operates differently. An investment bank does not
have an inventory of cash deposits to lend as a commercial bank does.
In essence, an investment bank acts as an intermediary, and matches
sellers of stocks and bonds with buyers of stocks and bonds. Note,
however, that companies use investment banks toward the same end as
they use commercial banks. If
a company needs capital, it may get a loan from a bank, or it may ask
an investment bank to sell equity or debt (stocks or bonds). Because
commercial banks already have funds available from their depositors
and an investment bank does not, an I-bank must spend considerable
time finding investors in order to obtain capital for its client."
From "Investment Banking", I recommend to you to take a view on this
document, in particular the firsts chapters will be very useful for

Search strategy:
"commercial  bank" "what is"
"investment bank" "what is"
"commercial  bank" "investment bank" difference

Search engine:

I hope this helps. If you need a clarification, please post a request
for it before rate this answer.


Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 15 Jul 2003 11:46 PDT
Livioflores-ga  researcher please  note  excellent  answer  has   been
 provided  by   you  but  I  need  a  little  more  clarification  of 
your  answer. You  provided  the  following  statement but  please 
provide  a  more  clear  answer  for  applying  to  the  investment 
bank  for  mortgage  loan for  purchase  of  residential  resort 
property  for  investment  so that I shall  be  able to  apply  to 
investment  bank  for  that;

If a company needs capital,  it may ask
an investment bank to sell equity or debt (stocks or bonds). Because
commercial banks already have funds available from their depositors
and an investment bank does not, an I-bank must spend considerable
time finding investors in order to obtain capital for its client."

Thanks  for  your  help  from  shoaib-ga.

Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 15 Jul 2003 11:55 PDT
livioflores-ga researcher please also  note that  previously  you  had
   provided   the  website  address  of  organization 
in  my  previously  posted question  and  please  note  that I want to
 say that  you  had  provided  'world-class'  rated  and  outstanding 
answer  because  organization  is  a  world-class  rated 
organization  providing  excellent  online  money  transaction 
services  and  I  shall  soon  give  ***** rating  to  your  answer 
and  also  special  thanks  to  you  for  that  purpose.   Best 
regards, shoaib-ga.

Clarification of Answer by livioflores-ga on 16 Jul 2003 23:38 PDT
Hi shoaib!!

You are asking why "an I-bank must spend considerable time finding
investors in order to obtain capital for its client"?
The answer is because the investment bank need to contact investors
(and convince them to invest in the client project) to find capital
for its client. On the other hand, a commercial bank has funds
available (deposits) to offer for loans to its clients, and the bank
does not need to convince anybody, except for itself, to do this.

In regard of the mortgage loan for your business project, the best way
is to go to the bank and ask. It depends of the size of your needs you
will need a commercial bank or an invesment bank, I guess. The
investment banks are more appropiated for large investments (but I
donīt know where large investments start). If the investment bank is
the way that you will use for get funds for your project, it will
contact you with investors, this investors will evaluate your project
(with the bank) and then they will decide for the convenience to
invest on your project. A commercial bank will evaluate itself your
project and decide itself if it give you the loan.
I Hope that the following links help you to find what you need:
"Small Business" :

"Investment Index":



This is all that I can tell you about this topic, I hope that this let
you go ahead with your project.


Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 19 Jul 2003 07:01 PDT
Hello  livioflores researcher and  please  note  that  excellent 
answer  has   been  provided by  you.  You  said  that   "investment 
bank   will
contact you with investors  and   investors will evaluate your project
(with the bank) and then they will decide for the convenience to
invest on your project",  I  want to  mention  that  investment  banks
 provide  loans  to  the  developed  and  emerging   capital   markets
 of  the  world  and  please  note  that  I  need  mortgage  loan  for
 purchase  of  residential  resort  property  located  at  the  'Playa
 Del  Carmen' resort   area  in  the  Mexico  country  and  because 
Mexico  country  is  an  emerging  capital  market  of  the world  and
 mortgage  market  for  real  estate  in  the  Mexico  country  has 
experienced  "continious  robust  growth"  so  therefore  it  means 
that  investors  who  will   be  working  with  the  investment  bank 
will  be  able  to  provide   mortgage   loan  for  my  above 
mentioned  property  project?  I  only  need  "confirmation"  for  my 
above  mentioned  statement  so  that  I  shall  be  able  to  'apply'
 to  the  investment  bank  for  above  mentioned  property  project. 
 Thanks  for  your  help  in  this  regard  from  Shoaib.

Clarification of Answer by livioflores-ga on 19 Jul 2003 18:17 PDT
The only one that can confirm that for you is the bank, I only can
tell you that the kind of bank that you need depends on the amount of
money involved in the operation. If you are talking about millions of
dollars the Investment Bank is the only way for you (and these are the
operations bear in mind for the developed and emerging capital markets
of the world), if you are talking about thousends of dollars, both
possibilities are available, but the commercial bank will be more
appropiate for your needs.
Again the confirmation that you need can only come from the bank.


Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 02 Aug 2003 18:18 PDT
Hello livioflores  researcher  and  thanks for your  excellent answer
but I only  need a little  more  clarification of  your  answer and 
after  that  please note that I  shall  contact  Merill  Lynch 
international investment  bank  or  for  above   mentioned
 purpose.  I  want to  know  that  investment  banks  charge  "any"  
type  of  'fees  or  money'  from  the  borrower  for  the  processing
 of  mortgage  or  real  estate  loans so as  to  'complete'   the 
property   transaction  process?  Thanks  for  your  help  from 

Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 02 Aug 2003 18:37 PDT
Livioflores  researcher  after receiving your answer I  shall  give 
*****  rating  to  your  answer. Regards, Shoaib.

Clarification of Answer by livioflores-ga on 03 Aug 2003 06:57 PDT
The answer to your question is yes, but I am unable to know how much
the fees are without contact the bank.
Please read the following:
"Fees and commissions
Fees and commissions primarily include fees from investment
management, custody and processing services, deposit accounts,
brokerage services, mortgage servicing, loan commitments, standby
letters of credit, compensating balances, insurance products and other
financial service-related products."
"JPMorganChase - auditedfinancial statements":

Also visit the following page:
"About Mortgage Closing Costs":

For a proper answer you must contact the bank and ask for the Mortgage
Closing Costs.

I hope this helps you.


Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 03 Aug 2003 18:36 PDT
Livioflores  researcher  please note that you have provided  a little
wrong answer of  my  above mentioned  question.  please  take  a look 
at  my  below  mentioned website  link  and  in  this  link  leader-ga
 researcher  has  provided  to  me  the  website addresses  of 
specialized  and  leading   international  investment  banks  of 
U.S.A. and  leader-ga  researcher  had  told  me  that  those 
investment  banks  do  not  charge  points  and  application  fees 
and  those  international  investment  banks   can  close  the  deal 
or  it  can  pay  for  the  closing  costs  of  the  property  in  the
 form  of  EQUITY  INVESTMENT   and  thus  those  international 
investment  banks  can  "fulfill  my  loan  requirements".   So 
please  provide  'clarification'  to  my  above  mentioned  statement.
 Thanks  for  your  help.

Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 03 Aug 2003 18:37 PDT
Livioflores  researcher  please note that you have provided  a little
wrong answer of  my  above mentioned  question.  please  take  a look 
at  my  below  mentioned website  link  and  in  this  link  leader-ga
 researcher  has  provided  to  me  the  website addresses  of 
specialized  and  leading   international  investment  banks  of 
U.S.A. and  leader-ga  researcher  had  told  me  that  those 
investment  banks  do  not  charge  points  and  application  fees 
and  those  international  investment  banks   can  close  the  deal 
or  it  can  pay  for  the  closing  costs  of  the  property  in  the
 form  of  EQUITY  INVESTMENT   and  thus  those  international 
investment  banks  can  "fulfill  my  loan  requirements".

  So  please  provide  'clarification'  to  my  above  mentioned 
statement.  Thanks  for  your  help.

Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 03 Aug 2003 19:05 PDT
Livioflores  researcher  please also  take  a  look  at  the 
following  website  link  in  which  Denco-ga  researcher  has 
provided  excellent  definition  of  EQUITY  INVESTMENT  which  is 
used  in  "raising  funds"  for  the project  and  equity  investment 
results  in  the   percentage  of  ownership  in  the  project.

Please  also  provide  'clarification'  of  my  above  mentioned 
statement  of equity  investment. Thanks  for  your  help.

Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 03 Aug 2003 19:59 PDT
Livioflores researcher please note that the information you  have 
provided  above  about Jbmorgan  investment  banking  is  also  wrong,
please  go  to  the  following  website  of  and 
then  click  its  investment  bank  link  and  also  click  its  'debt
 and equity  underwriting'  link  and  you  will  find  that  this 
website  does  not  contains  any  information  about  the  charging 
of  fees  or  money  from  the  borrower  but  instead  it  is 
written  in it that  Jbmorgan  investment  bank  provides  helps  to 
"fulfill  the  needs  of  the  clients  or  borrowers"  for 
processing  of  real  estate  loans.  Please  provide  'clarification'
 to  my  above  mentioned  statement.  Thanks.

Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 03 Aug 2003 20:05 PDT
Note; I  had  by  mistake  typed  the wrong  website  address  of
Jpmorgan  investment  bank.

Correct website  address  of  Jpmorgan  investment  bank  is:

Clarification of Answer by livioflores-ga on 03 Aug 2003 20:31 PDT
Hi shoaib!!

The last info that i gave you comes from the jpmorgan website, not
from my knowledge, wich is actually exhausted at this point.
I cannot give more clarifications about this topic, because I am not
an specialist about it. I tried to help you in every request in spite
of each request was a different question than the original, wich you
value only for $2.
At this point my knowledge is not good enough to give more
clarifications without an extense research, so considering your
original question answered as you told me I suggest you to post a new
question about this, giving to another researcher the chance of answer

Best Regards.

Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 03 Aug 2003 20:52 PDT
Livioflores researcher I  have  read  the  statement  posted  by you 
but  please note  that  I  shall  pay  additional  US$ 3  to  you  in
the  form  of  additional  tip  you  and  in this  way  total  of  US$
 5   will  be  paid  to  you  and  I  think  US$ 5  would  be 
sufficient   to  provide  answers  to  my  above  mentioned 
clarification  questions. Please  provide  clarification  to that 
statement.  Thanks  for  your  help  from  Shoaib-ga.

Clarification of Answer by livioflores-ga on 03 Aug 2003 22:13 PDT

Dear shoaib, it is not a question of money, I am unable to answer
properly the clarifications that you request.
the last thing that I can tell you is that in almost bank pages where
the bankīs products are promoted, the bad news are hiden, and they
talk about these points only when you contact them and ask directly
for them.
Please excuse me for cannot give you a better answer and accept my
suggestion of posting a new question, there are several researchers
having a good knowledge about this topic.


Request for Answer Clarification by shoaib-ga on 24 Mar 2004 14:33 PST
Livioflores  researcher  please  take  a  little  of  your time   and 
provide  to  me  a  little  more  clarification  of  your  answer. 
Livioflores   researcher  you   have  indicated   above  that  "if 
the  loan  amount  is  large  then  borrower  should  contact 
investment  bank  for  real  estate  loan",  so  therefore  in 
response  to your  statement  I  want  to  know  that  what   should  
be  the  "minimum"  real  estate  mortgage  loan  amount  if  a 
borrower  wants  to  'apply'  to  the  international  investment  
bank??  For  example   if  I  apply  to  the  'Credit  Suisse 
international  investment  bank'  or  organization  then
  what   would   be  the  'minimum'  real  estate  mortgage  loan 
amount  for the  individual  so  that  I  should  be  able  to  apply 
to  Credit  Suisse  investment  bank  for  real  estate  mortgage 
loan  for  individual ??            Please
provide  "clarification"  to  my  statement  and  many  thanks  for 
that  from  Shoaib.

Clarification of Answer by livioflores-ga on 30 Mar 2004 20:44 PST
Hi shoaib!!

The limit switch depends on the institution. The bank's policy
determines wich is this point. When you apply for a loan to a bank you
must ask for this point to them. Of course this minimum level depends
also of your profile, if your name is Bill Gates you will have a
better access to a loan than if you are Mr John Smith.
shoaib-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $2.00
Livioflores  researcher  has  provided  excellent and  beautiful 
answer  to my  posted  question and  according  to my  opinion  he  is
 one  of the  many  excellent  researchers  of  this  organization.

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