Hello nerv-ga,
Monitoring and regulation of air quality in California is the
responsibility of the California Air Resources Board (ARB).
The list of ARB air monitoring sites is provided at:
ARB Quality Assurance
Air Monitoring Site Information
As you can see, there is no site listed for Whittier. However, there
is a site listed for Pasadena, and there is a site listed for La
If you click on the name La Habra, you can see that the air
monitoring site is located at:
621 W. Lambert
La Habra, CA 90631
Quality Assurance
Site Information for La Habra
The location of the Whittier City Hall is provided at the City of
Whittier website:
Whittier City Hall
13230 Penn Street
Whittier, CA 90602
According to Yahoo Maps, the La Habra monitoring station address is 7
miles from Whittier City hall.
The ARB provides information about the Pasadena monitoring station at
the following webpage:
Quality Assurance
Site Information for Pasadena
The following page allows you to view Air Quality Data Statistics for
each monitoring station:
For comparison purposes, I believe the best data is the Top 4
Summary, which provides the top 4 pollutant measurements and number
of days above the State and National standards for each measurement.
Click Top 4 Summary.
On the next page, you can select a Pollutant, a Year Range, a County
or Air Basin, and the type of summary.
Hourly Ozone and Year Range 2000-2002 are already selected.
Summarize by Monitoring Site is also already selected.
Pick Los Angeles County in step 3. Then click Submit These
On the next page pick the Pasadena-S Wilson Avenue site. Then click
Create the Top 4 Summary.
You will see that, for Pasadena, the Hourly Ozone level was above the
State Standard for 19 days in 2000, 28 days in 2001, and 23 days in
Click 8-Hour O3 in the menu on the left side of the page. You will
see that the 8-Hour Ozone Averages were above the State Standard for
13 days in 2000, 9 days in 2001, and 10 days in 2002.
You can repeat this for PM 2.5, CO and NO2. The number of days above
standard was zero or 1 for most of these pollutants.
However, if you view this same data for La Habra, you will find a
noticeable difference.
To view the La Habra data, go back to the Air Quality Data Statistics
main page:
Once again select Top 4 Summary. Select Orange County. On the next
page select La Habra.
You will see that, in La Habra, the Hourly Ozone level was above the
State Standard for 8 days in 2000, 4 days in 2001, and 3 days in 2002.
This is significantly fewer days than were recorded for Pasadena.
For 8-Hour Ozone Averages, La Habra was above the State Standard for 2
days in 2000, 2 days in 2001, and 0 days in 2002. This is also
significantly fewer days than were recorded for Pasadena.
Based on this information, I would conclude that Pasadena is
smoggier than La Habra. Since La Habra is very close to Whittier, I
would also conclude that Pasadena is smoggier than Whittier.
I hope this data helps you settle your argument. If you have any
questions, please request clarification prior to rating the answer.
Search Strategy:
I was familiar with the California Air Resources Board website from
research on a previous question.
http://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=222778 |