Greetings Skeeterhawk:
The name of the product you seek is Zanfel. From
"A column about poison ivy must have scratched an itch, judging by
people who offered favorite remedies, including a homemade concoction
of Ben-Hur detergent, Dutch Boy Cleanser and water; a bar of Burt's
Bees Poison Ivy Soap ("a unique bland of jewelweed, clay and pine
tar"); Paul Harvey-promoted Zanfel; and something that piqued my
interest -- a series of injections that prevents contacting poison ivy
in the first place."
You may read about Zanfel at where it is stated
"Available at CVS, Rite Aid, and Eckerd Pharmacies."
A homemade remedy in the south is the plant jewelweed. If you rub the
leaves on your skin before coming into contact with poison ivy, the
oil of the poison ivy plant doesn't cause an outbreak on your skin.
You may learn about jewelweed at
I hope one of these stores is near you and that you are able to easily
purchase Zanfel. :)
Best regards,
"poison ivy" "paul harvey"
jewelweed |