I have located two citations for this quote. Both point to the August
1937 issue of Harper's Magazine.
'The Great Depression made Birmingham "the worst hit town in the
country," according to the Roosevelt Administration. One-third of its
citizens were on relief. 12'
...12. George R Leighton, "Birmingham, Alabama: The City of Perpetual
Promise," Harper's Magazine, CLXXV (August 1937) 239 '
The New Southern Labor History Revisited: The Success of the Mine,
Mill and Smelter Workers Union in Birmingham, 1934-1938
Alan Draper
Journal of Southern History Vol 62, No. 1, p. 90 (Feb., 1996).
'In 1933, the Roosevelt administration found Birmingham "the worst hit
town in the country."5
...5. Quoted in George R Leighton, "Birmingham, Alabama: The City of
Perpetual Promise," Harper's Magazine, CLXXV (August 1937) 239 '
Antiradical Violence in Birmingham During the 1930s Robert P.
The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 47, No. 4. p. 522 (Nov., 1981).
The Journal of Southern History doesn't offer free access to back
issue, but it has a web page at:
search strategy:
I was able to locate the two articles mentioned above in an article
database hosted by my local public library.
search terms: birmingham, "great depression", roosevelt
"hardest hit", "hit hardest", "worst hit"
I hope this helps. |