I'm experiencing an extremely slow restart time with Windows XP
Professional. After initiating the restart, the computer acknowledges
it because I can no longer launch any programs, but the Shutting Down
screen does not appear for about two minutes. Start-up time is fine.
I reformatted to try to fix this problem. Reformatting worked as the
issue did not begin happening until I downloaded the Windows Critical
Fixes Updates. I tried to use a System Restore to go back to a point
before downloading these, but it still took about two minutes to
restart. I also tried booting up in safe mode to ensure that an open
program was not causing this problem and that also did not work. I'm
on a Dell 2.4GHz 512 MB SDRAM with GeForce Ti 4600 and Turtle Beach
Santa Cruz cards.
Please post suggestions in the clarification area so that I can test
them. If they do work, I will notify you immediately so you can
receive the payment.
chis-ga |
Clarification of Question by
20 Jul 2003 18:27 PDT
Hmm, after checking again I have confirmed that restarts DO work
properly both in safe mode and when I tell Windows to not open any
startup programs from MSCONFIG.
Open programs that start up with computer:
Turtle Beach Santa Cruz Volume
McAfee Guardian
VirusScan Home Edition
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Jul 2003 18:47 PDT
There are thousand of possible causes.
This behavior is relatively normal if you are using software like
We also need to know wich programs are running always on your PC (give
us the list of msconfig startup tab).
You also told us that the start up time is fine, but may be the
following link will be useful:
Another probability is the policy to clear the paging file on
shutdown, which can add up more than one minute to an XP shutdown.
Check your system for this:
Control Panel --> Admin Tools --> Local Security Policy --> Security
Settings --> Local Policies --> Shutdown: Clear virtual memory
pagefile --> Right click --> Properties --> Disabled.
Before do this task consult the help for this (same procedure but
select help instead of Properties).
Also see the following page:
"Latest Windows XP patch can slow down PCs ":
Hope this helps. Please tell me if somethig here work or not to
continue the research or not
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Jul 2003 19:04 PDT
I just see the your clarification post and if the "Clear virtual
memory Pagefile" policy does not work try unchecking the startup
programs at msconfig one by one. And tell us wich one fail.
Clarification of Question by
20 Jul 2003 22:04 PDT
You can post your clarification as the answer. It turns out that it
was indeed a startup program, my "iTouch" keyboard software that
controls the multimedia/extra buttons on my Logitech keyboard. I
found that someone else was experiencing this after searching for it.
Looks like I'll be getting myself a new Microsoft Multimedia
Thanks for your advice.