Dear dorn,
The poem is "Jazz Fantasia", by Carl Sandburg (1878-1967). It was part
of his 1920 collection of poems "Smoke and Steel". Here is the full
- Carl Sandburg: Jazz Fantasia -
Drum on your drums, batter on your banjos,
sob on the long cool winding saxophones.
Go to it, jazzmen.
Sling your knuckles on the bottoms of the happy
tin pans, let your trombones ooze, and go husha-
husha-hush with the slippery sand-paper.
Moan like an autumn wind high in the loneseom tree-
tops, moan soft like you wanted something terrible,
cry like a racing car slipping away from a motorcycle
cop, bang-bang! you jazzmen, bang altogether drums,
traps, banjos, horns, tin cans--make two people fight
on the top of a stairway and scratch each other's eyes
in a clinch tumbling down the stairs.
Can the rough a Mississippi steamboat
pushes up the night river with a hoo-hoo-hoo-oo...
and the green lanterns calling to the high soft stars
...and a red moon rides on the humps of the low river
hills...go to it, O jazzmen.
Sources: Carl Sandburg - Jazz Fantasia
Dr. Michael Borshuk, University of Alberta: Carl Sandburg - Jazz
Search terms used:
"sob on the long cool "
"smoke and steel" sandburg
Hope this is what you were looking for!
Best regards,
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