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Free Pizza!
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: susan_california-ga List Price: $5.00 |
06 Jun 2002 12:35 PDT
Expires: 13 Jun 2002 12:35 PDT Question ID: 23337 |
Hello researchers! I heard something on the radio a few days ago that sounded so interesting that I wanted to find out more! Apparently there are companies that use "secret shoppers" to help them assess their products, customer service, etc. The story on the radio was about a guy in college who ordered a pizza and was subsequently asked by the pizza company to assess them on a weekly basis. To do so, all he had to do was order two pizzas a week and then fill out a form on the speed, taste, friendliness of the delivery person, etc. For this he got free pizza each week for a year! What could be better than that? So here's my question - what other companies (pizza first, others welcome as well) do this same type of thing? And where can I find out more information about signing up? I'd like to participate in something like this but need any info you can find on how to get started. Of course, I don't want to actually BE the delivery person, but I'd love to be the recipient! :-) Susan |
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Re: Free Pizza!
Answered By: rebeccam-ga on 06 Jun 2002 13:32 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi there! Secret shopping is one of those jobs that sound too good to be true... Yet all kinds of companies use these services to get feedback on how their businesses run 'when no one's looking.' The companies that use secret shoppers tend not to make it known, because, well, because it's a secret! However, here's an excerpt from http://www.idealady.com/mysteryshop.htm about what kinds of companies use secret (or mystery) shoppers: "Who Uses Mystery Shoppers? You may think of restaurants or department stores when you think of mystery shopping, but almost any business that deals with the public has a need for mystery shoppers. Although many times a shopper makes a purchase, other times a shopper may simply evaluate the service or information provided to potential buyers. For example, if you are hired to shop a car dealer you don't get a free car, but you will be paid for your time in asking questions about the cars and financing options, and writing a report describing your experience. Examples of businesses currently using mystery shoppers include: apartment complexes automobile dealers & auto repair shops banks & credit unions convenience stores department stores gas stations grocery stores hair salons health clubs home builders hotels and motels movie theaters restaurants video rental stores vision and eyewear providers Mystery shoppers are also used by the government to check up on the businesses it regulates. " To quote an amazing story from the July, 2001, issue of Psychotherapy Finances, "According to a 1997 New York Times article, Barbara Gerber at the consulting firm Devon Hill Associates fakes illnesses, and has accessed emergency room care with a feigned cough. 'Unstoppable in her critiques, Ms. Gerber once made it all the way to the operating table to inspect an outpatient surgical unit. She brought the procedure to a halt by telling the surgeon, who was in on the ruse, that she drank orange juice a few hours before, a disqualification for anyone scheduled to receive anesthesia.'" (http://www.psyfin.com/articles/010701.htm) As far as becoming a secret shopper yourself, I learned when looking into it for myself a few months back that assignments come primarily through agencies, kind of like temping (rather than companies hiring shoppers directly.) Rather than going into all the details here, let me refer you to the "Shopper's Corner" at the site of one such agency. Here you'll find Guidelines for Shoppers, Frequently Asked Questions about secret shopping, and a Resources section that includes links to the Mystery Shoppers Providers Association ( http://www.mysteryshop.org/ )and National Center for Mystery Shopping Professionals ( http://www.ij.net/nationalms/ ) Who knew such organizations existed! There are many agencies online, and with some, you can begin your application right on their site. To locate agencies in your area, go to http://www.mysteryshop.org/searchmspanav.php . Here are a few agencies to start you on your way (I have tried to weed out those that ask you to pay to apply): http://www.secretshopnet.com/ http://www.checkupmarketing.com/become.html http://www.focusonservice.com/signup.htm http://www.merchandiseconcepts.com/frames/formBecome.htm http://www.secretshopper.com/ http://www.crg2000.com/ProShoppers.htm http://www.pedge.com/scripts/agreement_(1).htm (Once you are contracted with a given agency, they may be willing to tell you who their client companies are.) Best of luck with this new endeavor... Let me know if I can be of any further help, and happy shopping! Rebecca Search terms: how to become a secret shopper ( ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=how+to+become+a+secret+shopper ) | |
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rated this answer:![]() Thank you Rebecca! Wonderful and timely answer. I will be looking into each and every one of the links you provided me. Well done! |
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Re: Free Pizza!
From: angel1-ga on 06 Jun 2002 16:41 PDT |
aw, no free pizza, but that title is catchy ;-) I think that's a great answer above. I thought I'd just add this, but a few months back I saw a show on how Consumer Reports [http://www.consumerreports.org] works. And I thought it was very interesting, it's not really what you asked but what they do is they have these secret buyers and they test stuff that those people buy to see how good the quality is, the buyers are secret so companies don't give any special samples and stuff, they get everything from open market like we do. Consumer Reports FAQ: [http://www.consumerreports.org/main/detailv2.jsp?CONTENT%3C%3Ecnt_id=2179&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2159&bmUID=1023406622629] This was a really interesting question and a great answer! =) ~Angel1 |
Re: Free Pizza!
From: robertw-ga on 07 Jun 2002 06:58 PDT |
I am a "mystery Shopper" for several agencies. The pay is $10 to $25 per report and takes an hour or so to make a visit and write your report for most shops. You can find good information here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mysteryshoppingbyncpms/ or here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mysteryshopping2 |
Re: Free Pizza!
From: rebeccam-ga on 07 Jun 2002 16:46 PDT |
Thanks Susan, it was a pleasure :) |
Re: Free Pizza!
From: thegeek-ga on 15 Jun 2002 17:41 PDT |
I'm a mystery shopper.. but not for anything pizza related. The only reason I get free pizza is becuase I've got a friend who works in a pizza place. But I always seem to be going in when her boss is there... Everyone seems to want this job - I'm employed by a marketing company in the UK who want to check up that retailers are displaying point of sale material properly, and that shop assistants have a clue. (Unfortunately I don't get to buy anything, though) I'm employed directly through this company, and not by an agency, and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to spot the advert. I'm guessing that other firms employ directly, so keep an eye on the job ads in your local paper, you might just get lucky! |
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