Here are some explanations of the differences and similarities of
"architects" and "engineers":
"Historically, the architect has been the coordinator of all other
disciplines involved in the building process. According to training
and licensing exams, architects must be able to integrate all building
disciplines to protect the overall health, safety, and welfare of a
project. We are responsible for not only this integration and the
accessibility of structures and their surroundings for human use and
habitation, but also for the end result in terms of use, quality,
composition, and appearance; engineers are responsible for the
application of mathematical and physical sciences, within an area of
expertise, and the related health, safety, and welfare. While
architects are tested in engineering systems [structures, electrical,
mechanical, and site design], building construction materials and
methods, codes, contracts, programming, spatial relations, history,
and theory, engineers are tested only for specific systems and
disciplines. Engineers have a narrow focus; architects bridge the gap
between the systems [what engineers design] and what the community
source: aiapa.org, cached by Google:
"Architect The architect is a professionally qualified person who
prepares, plans and develops specifications for buildings or
structures. On large projects an architectural firm represents a team
of architects.
Engineers The engineer or team of engineers are design
professionals responsible for specifications of systems. In
construction, engineers are hired to design structural, mechanical and
electrical systems."
source: catcbc.com
'Architects – Architects plan, design, and administer contracts for
the construction of buildings. Conflicts often arise because either
the engineer or the architect may design or serve as the prime
professional in the design of buildings, structures, facilities, etc.
Moreover, under most state laws, engineers have the right to design
structures and to serve as the prime professional in the design of a
building – yet, because of vagueness in the legal standards, engineers
are sometimes prevented from designing buildings intended for "human
habitation or occupancy."'
sourc: "Major Issues Facing the Engineering Profession"
"Connects and Disconnects Between Architectural and Engineering
Many people use the term "architect" solely to describe someone who
designs buildings. However, the term "architect" is also used in other
fields such as software design and computer networking.
"Network architect"
Those network engineers that focus a lot on network design and design
implementation can be more accurately referred to as network
architects. The main difference between an engineer and an architect,
then, is an engineer is more of an implementer while an architect is
more of a designer. However, the two job titles comprise many similar
functions and carry over into one another."
search terms:
"different between," "an architect", "an engineer"
"architecture is", "engineering is"
"architects and engineers"
"architects and engineers both"
I hope this helps. |