Clarification of Answer by
23 Jul 2003 22:59 PDT
The bound I fn(x) - f(x) I = x^n =< 1^n is not helpful to negate
uniform comvergence of fn.
What do you need to prove in uniform convergence is the following:
For each E > 0 exists n0 such that for ALL N >= n0 is:
Ifn(x) - f(x)I < E FOR ALL x in the interval. This means that n0
depends only on E and not of x : n0 = n(E)
How do you negate this ?
For example showing that given E > 0, the number n0 asociated with it
always depends on both E and x; and/or that exists E > 0 for wich
there does not exist a number n0 that satisfies FOR ALL x in the
interval the following.
Ifn(x) - f(x)I < E for all n >= n0.
This is equivalent to show that exists E > 0 such that for each number
n0 exist x in the interval such that Ifn0(x) - f(x)I >= E.
As you have seen when we worked with the interval [0 , 1-d] (0 < d <
1) you have found a value n0 that not depends on x (it is valid for
all x in the interval), this n0 is the first natural number higher
than log(E)/log(1-d), this n0 clearly depends only on E and it is
independent of x. This shows the uniform convergence of fn(x) in the
interval [0 , 1-d] (0 < d < 1).
What happens with the interval [0,1]?
Ifn(x) - f(x)I = x^n
Given E > 0 we have that:
If x = 1 , Ifn(1) - f(1)I = 1^n - 1 = 0 < E for all n.
If 0 =< x < 1 :
Ifn(x) - f(x)I = x^n < E if and only if n.log(x) < log(E); if and only
if (log(x) is negative) n > log(E)/log(x), this shows that n0 =
But we can go further. Taking 1 > E > 0 and any number n0, if 1 > x >
E^(1/n0) > 0 , then:
Ifn0(x) - f(x)I = x^n0 > E.
So we just find E > 0 such that for each number n0 exist x in the
interval such that Ifn0(x) - f(x)I >= E. Or the equivalent, we just
find that exists E > 0 for wich there does not exist a number n0 that
satisfies the following:
Ifn(x) - f(x)I < E for all n >= n0 and FOR ALL x in the interval.
This shows that for such E > 0 it doesn´t exist n0 such that for all n
>= n0 is Ifn0(x) - f(x)I < E FOR ALL x in [0,1]. So fn does not
converge uniformly to f.
I hope this clarify the answer. Please feel free to request for more
clarifications if hey are needed.