Hi, Jennifer:
Excusez-moi, but the data you present in the "results" appears to be
inconsistent with the "input" data. For the sake of consistency and
expediency, I've constructed an Access 2002 table called Customers
with the following entries:
Categorie ID Date Time Demand
A 01 01.01.2003 19:35 34
B 02 03.04.2003 10:34 12
A 03 01.01.2003 10:25 52
A 04 01.01.2003 11:28 19
C 05 23.04.2003 17:54 09
ID is still the table's primary key, but I've swapped a couple of the
values in the first column and corrected one value in the final
"Demand" column.
Basically your question is about constructing a query that adds a
further "computed" column for "remaining demand" or RemDemand.
The clearest way to state this is probably using a dependent query,
rather than as a join, but since you've already gone down the path of
thinking about this as a join (and since Access is better with joins
than dependent queries), let's complete the journey:
SELECT A.Categorie, A.ID, A.Date, A.Time,
A.Demand, SUM(B.Demand) As RemDemand
FROM Customers As A, Customers As B
WHERE A.Categorie = B.Categorie
AND A.Date = B.Date
AND A.Time <= B.Time
GROUP BY A.Categorie, A.ID, A.Date, A.Time, A.Demand
You can simply paste this into the SQL view of the Query designer of
Access. The results should look, as you expected, like this:
Categorie ID Date Time Demand RemDemand
A 1 1/01/2003 19:35 34 34
B 2 4/03/2003 10:34 12 12
A 3 1/01/2003 10:25 52 105
A 4 1/01/2003 11:28 19 53
C 5 4/23/2003 17:54 9 9
albeit with your default European date format (rather than my American
The HAVING clause (which you attempted to use) would filter on the
records _after_ the GROUP BY clause has worked its magic. Note that I
used simply a WHERE clause, which acts on the "raw join" before any
GROUP BY totaling takes place. The final ORDER BY clause is mostly
cosmetic, to put the output records in key order.
Please let me know if I can further clarify the SQL statement or any
other aspect of my answer.
regards, mathtalk-ga |