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Q: Car shows, conventions and events in the St. Louis area ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Car shows, conventions and events in the St. Louis area
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: ryan_dm-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 23 Jul 2003 18:33 PDT
Expires: 22 Aug 2003 18:33 PDT
Question ID: 234402
I am looking for a list of car shows, conventions, and events in the
St. Louis area. Dates and locations are required. If you provide
contact numbers for the events, I will provide a $2 tip. If you
provide some sort of an estimated size/population of the events, I
will provide another $2 tip. However I do need a rather complete list,
or at least as complete as can be. Thanks.
Subject: Re: Car shows, conventions and events in the St. Louis area
Answered By: jackburton-ga on 24 Jul 2003 04:18 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello Ryan,
Car shows, conventions & events in the St Louis area:
Date: July 26-27
Event name:NOPI Race Wars St. Louis
Location: Gateway Int'l Raceway
Contact: or 800-277-6674
JUL 26  SATURDAY ~ 5th Annual Car Cruise ~ 5-Spanish Lake Park just
off Bellefontaine Rd from Hwy 270. ~ All vehicles $10.00.  Includes
Dash Plaque, entry to the attendance prizes and a free drink ticket. ~
Trophies for many classes & People's Choice award of $100  ~ contact:
Deborah Rangers 314 963-9211  ST. LOUIS, MO.
July 9-12 -- 3S National Gathering St. Louis Missouri (3000gt/Stealth
Held at 7517 S. Lindbergh Blvd St. Louis, MO.
This is the National Gathering for all 3000gt/Steath cars owners the
largest gathering in the United States there will be 5 events planned
for the week of the National Gathering. The Car Show will be July 12
at 5:00 pm. This Car Show is Sponsored by Hooters of South County. See
over 200 cars all 3000gt/Stealth from across the United States. Free
to the public Trophies will be given out at the car show. The 3S car
group will make a donation to the St Judes research program for more
information please contact Nancy Gleason 636-240-1173 or email
Saturday, October 11th, 2003
British Car Show
Spectators welcome. Examples of vehicles displayed by members of the
area car clubs include:
Classes: Austin Healey Bugeye Sprite, Big Healey Roadsters, Big Healey
Convertibles, All Classics and XK 120, XK 140, XK 150, All E-Types,
Saloons, XJ6 and XJ12, XJ Saloons, XJ-S, XK8, S-Type, MG Midget and
Square Body Sprite, Chrome Bumper MGB, Rubber Bumper MGB, MGBGT,
Mini’s and Coopers, Lotus, Land Rover, TR2-3A, TR4-250, TR6,
TR7-8,Spitfire/GT6, Rolls-Royce/Bentley
Schedule of events: 
Or contact Dave Massey at or
at (314) 966-6056.
Meet Me in St. Louis
On Route 66
August 1 - August 2
"It is official, the "Meet Me In St. Louis On Route 66" Cruise is
going to occur in St. Louis, Missouri during the weekend of August 1st
- 3rd , 2003. 
This Nationwide Super Cruise will be the Ultimate Road Trip as many PT
Cruiser owners will be taking a trip through yesteryear as they travel
along the historic Route 66. Convoys of PT Cruisers will hit the road
from cities and towns all over United States and Canada as they follow
the ribbons of blacktop that lead to St. Louis.  Many will be
traveling along the Mother Road from California’s Santa Monica Pier
and others arriving from the Route’s starting place in Chicago.  Some
will jump in along the way while others take their own route, but all
roads lead to St. Louis.[..]  
...If you or someone you know would like to be a sponsor or vendor,
please visit our Sponsor Page for more information. 
If you would like to be added to our mailing list for additional
information and updates pertaining to our Meet Me In St. Louis On
Route 66 Cruise, please email us and we will
make sure you are added to the list."
July 26th	FREE car show in St Louis. No judging, no trophies, no entry
fee. just fun
City: St Louis State: mi
location: Church parking lot next to Clap Park. Off M46 1 block east
of old 27
Contact Name: Gary Ingersoll
July 31st - August 2nd, 2003
St. Louis Missouri, Metro Area
"J-Bash" 2003
 If your company, or a company that you know, is interested please
contact Timothy Schilling at for more
information and rates.
July 27 (Sunday)
Fairlane Club of America Mini-Meet in conjunction with Fords Unlimited
St. Louis, Missouri
Location: J. S. McDonnell Park, St. Louis County, MO
Name: 17th Annual All Ford Car and Truck Show
Directions: From Hwy 270, go east on Dorsett Rd (which becomes
Midland) 2.5 miles to Link. Turn left on to Link, drive ˝ mile to
Adie. Turn left on to Adie and the park entrance is immediately to
your right.
Info: Participant judged. Registration 9-12, Voting 12-1:30, Trophies
3:30. Dash plaques. Food and beverages available all day. Five
Fairlane/Torino classes.
Fee: TBA
E-mail/Phone: Kerry Rogers: /314-942-2113 or
314-239-5232 (cell)
Nopi Race Wars
July 26-27, 2003 - St. Louis, Missouri
Gateway International Raceway, Tel: (618) 482-2400
Walter P. Chrysler Nationals
July 22-26, 2003 - St. Louis Park, Minnesota
At Holiday Inn - West. Call (763) 786-9020
SEPTEMBER 21 - Greater Midwest 25th Annual Automotive Swap Meet and
Car Show at Queeny Park, St. Louis Missouri
I hope this helps!

Google search terms:
"car show" "st louis"
"car shows" "st louis"
"car shows"
"car shows" missouri
"car show" "st louis" missouri
car events "st louis" missouri
"car events" "st louis" missouri

Request for Answer Clarification by ryan_dm-ga on 24 Jul 2003 14:50 PDT
The majority of these listings already occured or will be occuring
over the next few days. I need listings of shows further in the future
-- I do need some sort of decent advanced notification. Thanks!

Clarification of Answer by jackburton-ga on 25 Jul 2003 02:28 PDT
Hello again Ryan,
I've managed to find a few more events taking place later this year,
and some in 2004:
Aug. 2, 2003  St. Louis Strassenfest VW Show at 14th and Market
Street, downtown St. Louis, MO.  Call 618-236-2801 or 618-277-9097 or
e-mail or for more info.
Event Name:	IRL Collector Car Auction
Event Type:	auction 
Start Date:	08/09/2003
End Date:	08/09/2003
City:	St Louis
State:	MO
Description:	Another event in conjunction with the Indy Racing League,
fast cars, fast drivers and awesome results.
Contact Phone:	800-968-4444
Event Name:	Seventh Annual Wheels in Motion Day Car Show
Event Type:	car show 
Start Date:	09/07/2003
End Date:	09/07/2003
City:	St. Louis
State:	MO
Country:	United States
Description:	Benefiting the National Children's Cancer Society,
featuring live entertainment throughout the day, door prizes, raffles,
50-50 drawings and a disc jockey, all materials and services are
donated and 100% of the funds collected go to the NCCS which helps
children with cancer and their families, first 100 cars entered will
recieve a dash plaque, pre-register and save $3, car clubs may display
as a group; Westport Plaza, Page Blvd and Hwy 270; Spectator Fee:
free, Registration Fee: $15 per car
Contact Name:	Elliott Cytron
Contact Address:	7711 Page
Contact City:	St. Louis
Contact State:	MO
Contact Zip:	63133
Contact Country:	United States
Contact Phone:	314-727-1170
Contact Email:
Contact Name:	Jack Fink
Contact Phone:	314-423-0003
Westfield Shoppingtown South County - St. Louis
Free Admission Outdoor Show & Sale
Fall 2003 will be our 14th Annual Fall Show & Sale! In 2002, Nearly
10,000 people braved the very hot, 90 degree heat and St. Louis
humidity to browse among the RVs at the Fall RV Show & Sale.
Friday, September 5th, 10AM - 8PM 
Saturday, September 6th,10AM - 8PM 
Sunday, September 7th,11AM - 5PM 
For our 14th Annual Fall Show, we are taking the show back to
Westfield Shoppingtown South County. It was last here in the year
2000. The show existed in South County from '92 thru '97. This
conveniently located mall is about a 15 minute drive south of downtown
St. Louis, just off I-270 & I-55, at the intersection of Lindbergh &
Lemay Ferry Road. Inside there's great stores like Famous Barr,
Dillards, J.C. Penney, Sears and more! Outside is one of the largest
displays of RVs in the Midwest! Concessions will be provided by and
benefit the Lemay - JB Lions Club.
*	250 RVs - brand new 2004 models and year end closeouts
*	Class A Motorhomes, Fifth Wheels, Folding Camping Trailers, Sport
Utility Trailers, Mini-Motorhomes, Van Campers and Truck Campers
Contact: Steve Lengyel, Let's Go Promotions
tel: 314-355-1236
Event Name:	Sixteenth Annual Midwest Chevelle Regional Car Show,
Cruise & Swap Meet
Event Type:	car show , cruise , swap meet 
Start Date:	09/18/2003
End Date:	09/20/2003
City:	St Louis
State:	MO
Country:	United States
Description:	Sponsored by Gateway Area Chevelle Club, 2003 marks the
16th year of the Midwest Chevelle Regional, 3 days and nights filled
with seminars and activities for the whole family plus the sincere
admiration of America's favorite muscle car, the featured car this
year is the El Camino, activities will include 1,000 point judging,
swap meet, Pinewood Derby for the kids, and Saturday night dinner
cruise, for more details, visit our web site at; WestPort Plaza, I-270 and Page Ave.;
Spectator Fee: 0, Registration Fee: $40.
Contact Name:	Greg Martin
Contact Address:	828 Teson Rd
Contact City:	St Louis
Contact State:	MO
Contact Zip:	63042
Contact Country:	United States
Contact Phone:	314-621-3666
Contact Email:
Event Name:	Twenty-Fifth Annual Swap Meet & Car Show
Event Type:	car show , swap meet 
Start Date:	09/21/2003
End Date:	09/21/2003
City:	St. Louis
State:	MO
Country:	United States
Description:	Sponsored by Horseless Carriage Club of Missouri, swap
meet is on a paved asphalt surface, car show is on a grassy area with
shade trees and picnic tables, fifteen classes with three trophies per
class, free dash plaques for the first 100 entries; Queeny Park, 550
Weidman Road; starts at 6:30 am; Spectator Fee: free to the viewing
public & free parking, Registration Fee: swap meet is $20
pre-registered, car show: $15 judged, $10 display
Contact Name:	Elliott Cytron (swap meet)
Contact Address:	151 Ladue Pines Dr
Contact City:	St. Louis
Contact State:	MO
Contact Zip:	63141
Contact Country:	United States
Contact Phone:	314-727-1170
Contact Email:
Contact Name:	Carl Roedel (car show)
Contact Phone:	314-821-4015
Event Name:	Classic CarFest Car, Motorcycle & Truck Show and Toy Show
Event Type:	car show , motorcycle show , truck show , toy show 
Start Date:	10/04/2003
End Date:	10/04/2003
City:	St. Charles
State:	MO
Country:	XX
Description:	Rain date October 5th, benefiting Community Living of St.
Charles County, last year the CarFest was the third largest car show
in St. Louis, this year we hope to be #1, come join us for food, fun
and cars, all cars, trucks, and bikes welcome, pictures from last
year's show available online, come check us out; 3949 Harry S Truman
Blvd; Registration 8 am-12 pm or pre-register online at, show 5 pm; Spectator Fee: 0, Registration Fee:
Contact Name:	Sarah Jacobs
Contact Address:	744 F Spirit of St Louis Blvd.
Contact City:	Chesterfield
Contact State:	MO
Contact Zip:	63005
Contact Phone:	636-530-1395
Contact Email:
Contact Name:	Frank at EPC
Contact Phone:	636-443-1999
Event Name:	Second Annual Car Show
Event Type:	car show 
Start Date:	10/05/2003
End Date:	10/05/2003
City:	Valley Park
State:	MO
Description:	Benefiting American Legion Post 439 at 1100 St Louis Ave,
11:30 am, $10 pre-registration by September 15, $15 registration, $5
registration for show display only vehicles, awards to top two in each
class and Best Overall Show, trophies, food, free admission.
Contact Name:	James Dodson
Contact Address:	7 Guylyn Lane
Contact City:	Valley Park
Contact State:	MO
Contact Zip:	63088-1306
Contact Phone:	636-225-8553
Contact Fax:	636-225-1743
Contact Email:
Contact Name:	Mike Hendrickson
Contact Phone:	636-343-1936
Event Name:	Early Fall Pre-73 Car & Truck Show
Event Type:	car show , truck show 
Start Date:	09/01/2003
End Date:	09/01/2003
City:	Creve Coeur
State:	MO
Description:	Sponsored by St Louis Independent Car Klub Rain date
September 7, car show registration limited to 300 cars or 12 pm,
awards at 4 pm or before, no pre-registration, food & beverages
available; Elks Lodge #9, 12481 Laude Rd, Registration Fee: $15
Contact Name:	Keith
Contact Phone:	636-561-4550 days
Contact Name:	Jim
Contact Phone:	314-849-0387 eves
August 15~17
Spokane Valley Kiwanis Good Guys Car Show
Contact Ron Riel at (509)922-8914
conjunction with the Monster Mopar Weekend to be held at Gateway
International Raceway. Two fabulous days of huge car show, swap meet
and drag racing. Winged cars do laps around the circle track. Also
special this year: B-bodies get to do the laps around the track! You
MUST be a member of Winged Warriors/NBOA to get on the track and this
will be verified. David Patik will also have a club display set up
with Chrysler's original 3/8th scale wind tunnel model that was used
to develop the 1968-1969 Charger and the 1969 Daytona. This is a very
unique piece of Mopar history that you won't want to miss seeing!
Special guest is NASCAR legend James Hylton of South Carolina who
drove the #48 yellow and black Dodge Chargers and #48 Daytona. James
will be on hand to pose for photos, sign autographs, answer questions,
etc. We will also have special seminars for members in our conference
room in the Holiday Inn at Collinsville on Saturday night. We already
have commitments from Al Bradshaw who was involved with the Chrysler
Turbine cars and James Hylton, Dodge NASCAR driver. ...For more info
about this event or to join the Winged Warriors/NBOA contact us at
(515) 432-3001 or E-mail to: . Make plans to
attend this very special event!"
St. Louis Auto Dealers Association's 2004 Auto Show 
"Mark your calendars now for January 21 – January 25, 2004, for the
area's largest and most exciting new car and truck event! It's the St.
Louis Auto Dealers Association's 2004 Auto Show, held at America's
Center and the Trans World Dome downtown.
This annual show features over 500 new models, all under one roof.
Plus, a peek at what we'll be driving in the future with a dazzling
array of concept vehicles, and other fun and surprises for the whole
America's Center - St. Louis, Missouri
Thursday, February 19th, Noon - 10PM 
Friday, February 20th, 11AM - 10PM 
Saturday, February 21st, 10AM - 10PM	
Sunday, February 22nd, 11AM - 5PM
Our 27th year will continue the tradition of delivering a quality
*	The latest and greatest in RVs for the  year 2004 from the best St.
Louis area dealers!
*	Nearly 450 RVs spread around 260,000 square feet.  It is anticipated
that 2004 could be the largest RV Show ever in St. Louis!
*	RV parts and product booths; campgrounds, resorts, destinations and
retail exhibitors
*	Attractions that make the show family friendly and fun! 
Admission Prices:  Regular Admission - $7;
Ages 6 - 12 - $3.50; Ages 5 and under Free.
Senior Day:  On Friday, ages 60 and over are admitted for $4.
Contact: Steve Lengyel, Let's Go Promotions
tel: 314-355-1236
Hope this helps!
ryan_dm-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $2.00

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