Without getting into the detailed explanations, I noticed a few
mistakes in the answers you have so far:
1 c. Don't forget that 0 is an even number too. This adds another bit
string, making the total 64 - as we'd expect from symmetry.
2 b. (iii) - we must have at least two women, since there are only
five men available.
c. We can also choose groups that don't contain either of the two
people, so you need to add (10C7) = 120 to your answer.
5 a. Note that you were asked to write the definition of each
property; make sure you do this. You also need to prove the properties
of this relation, not just assert them. For instance, to prove the
transitive property, suppose a|b and b|c. By definition this means
that c = kb and b = la for some integers k and l. Then c = k(la) =
(kl)a, so a|c and the relation is transitive.
Your definition of the reflexive property seems very strange. The
correct definition is that R is reflexive iff for every a in A, a R a.
To prove R antisymmetric, suppose a | b and b | a. Then there exist
integers k, l such that a = kb and b = la. Then a = (kl)a and kl must
be 1. So k = l = 1 or -1. But since all elements of A are positive, we
must have k = l = 1 and hence a = b. (Note that the correct definition
of antisymmetric is that for all a, b in A, a R b and b R a ==> a =
Since R is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive it is a partial
order. The Hasse diagram and boolean matrix should be pretty obvious.
Question 6 looks pretty simple. You have the direct links, then follow
them to get the transitive ones; don't forget to include the pairs of
form (a, a). |