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Category: Computers Asked by: joel1357-ga List Price: $100.00 |
07 Jun 2002 01:31 PDT
Expires: 14 Jun 2002 01:31 PDT Question ID: 23511 |
I need to find a way to translate any answers or comments that I have received from this forum that are not in English. Furthermore as our company begins to do business in foreign countries we will need to be able to send emails in English that upon arrival end up in the client's native language, as well as their responses written in their native language and received back in English. Additionally we need to be able to go to web pages and read foreign websites in English. There may be other instances that I am unaware of at this time where we will need this ability. I have found a few instances where some of this is possible in a few languages like Spanish and German however for the majority of languages I have come up empty handed. If the solution is some type of internet site(s) that offer this service then great, if I need to go out and purchase software that costs $ 1 or $ 50,000 then that's fine too. I just need options to consider. Thank You, Joel |
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Answered By: paul_b_18-ga on 07 Jun 2002 02:30 PDT |
Hi, A friend of mine has a small publishing company down here in The Netherlands and he basically had the same problem (because of all the different EU languages). I contacted him and did further research and I came to the followinf picture concering translation options. First of all, there are different types of translators: -Machine translation: "Machine translation is also called "automatic translation" or simply translation software. Machine translation software translates text in one natural language into another natural language, taking into account the grammatical structure of each language and using rules to transfer the grammatical structure of the source language (text to be translated) into the target language (translated text). Machine translation cannot replace a human translator for demanding applications such as legal or literary work, nor is it intended to." Translation.net FAQ http://www.translation.net/tsfaq.html -Word by Word translation: "Word by word translation translates each word or phrase that it understands, but does not take grammar into account. Word by word translators are generally not as effective as automatic or machine translators, but still can be very useful, for instance as a translation aid." Translation.net FAQ http://www.translation.net/tsfaq.html -Simple dictionaries: These are basically availible for every language in the world but it is not practical in your case as you can only translate an individual word at a time. The problem is that, the more sophisticated the translating software, the less different languages it is availible for. Machine translation would be most ideal for you but there are a lot of languages for which no Machine translation is availible. I don't know which languages you want to able to translate from and to so I'll just give a list of all international languages wich are translatable and split them according to the type of availible translation (Machine, Word or Dictionary) -Russian: Machine translation: Pragma 1.0: http://www.trident.com.ua/index.html LogoMedia Translate for Windows (from $99): http://www.translation.net/logomedia-trans.html PROject MT Russian Translation Software ($599): http://www.translation.net/promt.html Systran Translation Software ($79): http://www.translation.net/systrans.html Reverso Pro Translation Software: ($495): http://www.translation.net/reverso.html -Arabic: Machine translation: An-Nakel Multilingual Translation System ($1695): http://www.translation.net/an-nakel.html Sakhr Enterprise Translation: http://www.translation.net/sakhr-set.html#features -Chinese: Machine translation: LogoMedia Translate for Windows (99): http://www.translation.net/logomedia-trans.html TransWhiz Chinese Translation Software (249): http://www.translation.net/transwhiz.html Systran Translation Software (79): http://www.translation.net/systrans.html -French: Machine translation: Systran Translation Software (79): http://www.translation.net/systrans.html LogoMedia Translate for Windows: http://www.translation.net/logomedia-trans.html Reverso Pro Translation Software ($495) http://www.translation.net/reverso.html Neurotran: http://www.translation-experts.com/neuro.htm Word translation: Word Translator: http://www.translation-experts.com/wordtran.htm -German: Machine translation: Systran Translation Software http://www.translation.net/systrans.html LogoMedia Translate for Windows http://www.translation.net/logomedia-trans.html Reverso Pro Translation Software: http://www.translation.net/reverso.html NeuroTrain: http://www.translation-experts.com/neuro.htm Word translation: Word Translator: http://www.translation-experts.com/wordtran.htm -Hebrew: Machine translation: Targumatik 2002 Hebrew Translation: http://www.translation.net/hebsoft.html#trans Targumatik Lite: http://www.translation.net/hebsoft.html#trans -Italian: Machine translation: Systran Translation Software (http://www.translation.net/systrans.html) LogoMedia Translate for Windows (http://www.translation.net/logomedia-trans.html) -Japanese: Machine translation: Systran Translation Software (http://www.translation.net/systrans.html) ATLAS for Windows (http://www.translation.net/atlas.html) LogoMedia Translate for Windows (http://www.translation.net/logomedia-trans.html) -Korean: Machine translation: Systran Translation Software (http://www.translation.net/systrans.html) LogoMedia Translate (http://www.translation.net/logomedia-trans.html) (Magellan Complete Language Package required) -Portugse: Machine translation: Systran Translation Software (http://www.translation.net/systrans.html) LogoMedia Translate for Windows (http://www.translation.net/logomedia-trans.html) -Spanish: Machine translation: Systran Translation Software (http://www.translation.net/systrans.html) LogoMedia Translate for Windows (http://www.translation.net/logomedia-trans.html) -Bosnian: Machine translation: Machine: http://www.translation-experts.com/neuro.htm Word: http://www.translation-experts.com/wordtran.htm -Bulgarian: Word: http://www.translation-experts.com/bul.htm -Croation: Machine Translation: NeuroTrain: http://www.translation-experts.com/neuro.htm Word translation: Word Translator: http://www.translation-experts.com/wordtran.htm -Czech: Word translation: Word Translator: http://www.translation-experts.com/che.htm -Danish: Word translation: Word Translator: http://www.translation-experts.com/wordtran.htm - Dutch: Word translation: Word Translator: http://www.translation-experts.com/wordtran.htm -Finnish: Word translation: Word Translator: http://www.translation-experts.com/fin.htm -Greek: Word translation: Word Translator: http://www.translation-experts.com/greek.htm I hope I've been helpfull so far, I will give you more information in the Clarification. Thanks, paul_b_18-ga | |
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From: chromedome-ga on 07 Jun 2002 04:00 PDT |
Hi, Joel! Another useful tool for translating multiple languages is Babelfish. You may enter in text of 150 words or less for translation ("Thank you for your inquiry...") or enter the URL of a website that you wish translated. http://babelfish.altavista.com/ None of these software tools are a complete replacement for a human translator, of course, but they come cheaper and work faster. If polished prose is less urgent than simply communicating your information, this is usually sufficient. |
From: mvguy-ga on 07 Jun 2002 06:33 PDT |
I would just emphasize what's already been stated: Machine translation is in no way a substitute for translation done by a human. It can be good for getting the gist of something, or understanding something well enough to find out if you want something translated by a human, but not for much more. You might use it for reading some noncritical business correspondence, but you'd be crazy to use it for writing correspondence you're sending out (unless it is edited by a human afterward). |
From: tehuti-ga on 07 Jun 2002 07:51 PDT |
Babelfish is wonderful for a really good laugh. Once I entered part of a review of mine about beer that I wrote for an opinion site, translated it into German, and then translated the German text back into English. I would certainly not want to base my business on automatic translators like this. The original and end-result follow below (BTW, the opinion site in question recognises the intellectual property rights of its contributors and does not forbid them to reproduce elsewhere material that they have submitted to the site, therefore I am fully within my rights to provide the quotations below). My original: "[name of beer] is cloudy because the yeast remains in suspension, instead of settling out at the bottom of the barrel. As with many other Belgian beers, if you buy them bottled, the custom is to swirl the bottle round gently while pouring so as to get out any yeast which might have settled. The concept of drinking a cloudy beer might be very strange to those of us who are used to judging British ales on clarity as well as on flavour. However, the yeast does add significantly to the taste, and it is also good for you, because it boosts your intake of B vitamins. If you do swirl the bottle, you will end up with a really large head on the glass. That again is the way that Belgians like to enjoy their beer; sipping it through the foam adds to the richness and boosts the flavour even more." After going into German and back into English though Babelfish: "[name of beer] is cloudy, because the yeast remains floating, instead of to stretch at the lower surface of the barrel. As with many other Belgian beers, if you buy it, filled, the habit is, easily to whirl starting from bottle, which is when pouring, around each possible yeast to go out approximately, which could have agreed. The concept of drinking a cloudy beer could be very strange to those by us, those too British to judge Ale on clarity as well as on flavour used. However the yeast adds substantially the taste, and it is good also for you, because it up-loads your inlet of the b-b-Vitamine. If you whirl the bottle, terminate above with a really large heading on the glass. Those is again this way Belgian as to enjoy their beer; the Sipping it by the foam rubber adds the wealth and loads the flavour even more up." |
From: xemion-ga on 07 Jun 2002 08:44 PDT |
I like this service: http://www.worldlingo.com As state above though, machine tranlation is no subsitute for human translation. xemion-ga |
From: voila-ga on 07 Jun 2002 22:13 PDT |
Hello, Here are a few more links to consider. http://www.logos.it/about_us/en/services_documentazione_multilingue.html http://www.freetranslation.com http://translation2.paralink.com Hope these are helpful, V |
From: smile-ga on 09 Jun 2002 06:22 PDT |
Dear Joel, sending email is one way of advertising, but some receivers might think you are sending spam, and they might ignore your email. Why don't you try Google? You can advertise with Google in two ways: 1) Go to ://www.google.com/ads/overview.html, select "Preview tool" and try it out yourself. 2) Go to https://adwords.google.com/select/main, and try AdWords Select. Either way, people will come to your home page. Now you just hire translators to translate your home page to as many languages as you want. The only problem is that you need human translators all the time for public relations, but maybe you can afford it. |
From: pramode-ga on 26 Jul 2002 06:46 PDT |
I would suggest the following two sites: -- http://www.translate.ru/ -- http://world.altavista.com/ (this is redundant) The first site is somewhat limited in its translation languages, but provides excellent translations and will also translate e-mails. The second is good if you are attempting to translate text and/or websites and provides a broad range of language options, though its translations are not very good. |
From: courious-ga on 10 Nov 2002 21:31 PST |
://www.google.com/language_tools Translate (BETA) Google breaks the language barrier with this translation feature. Using machine translation technology, Google now gives English speakers access to a variety of non-English web pages. This feature is currently available for pages published in Italian, French, Spanish, German, and Portuguese. (://www.google.com/help/features.html#translation) |
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