1. Early sales law was governed by the State Law. This created a
significant legal challenge for teh managers because.....?
A. articlae 2 of the UCC was unclear.
B.it forced managers to write sales agreements with many items let
c. It required a new sales agreement each time a new order was placed
e. None of the above.
2. Article 2 provides minimum requirments that goods must satisfy to
be merchantable,including that the goods must be:-----
A. Of the highest quality reasonably possiable under contract
B. reasonably fit for the purposes for which they are being sold.
C. of fair, average, merchantable quality
d. b and c are correct
e. a and c are correct
3.Each year, approximately how many individuals in tht U.S file for
A. 10,000
b. 20 000
c. 100,000
d. 500.00
e. 1 million |