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Q: For Pinkfreud ONLY ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   5 Comments )
Subject: For Pinkfreud ONLY
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: probonopublico-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 27 Jul 2003 22:11 PDT
Expires: 26 Aug 2003 22:11 PDT
Question ID: 235827
Hi, Pinky

I'm very worried and only you can help ...

I've just tried to post a Comment to Q 186295 but there was no Comment

Whereas there is a Comment box on Q 161982 which is of earlier

I just know it's something that you've done, just so that I can direct
a question at you.

Please explain you latest magic.

Kindest regards

Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud ONLY
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 28 Jul 2003 11:31 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Dear Bryan,

Thank you for recognizing that I am reponsible for all physical
phenomena in the known universe (as for the unknown universe, I'm not

I believe I have corrected your problem with Question 186295 by the
simple (yet profound) act of making a comment on it. Ah, how deft is
the touch of a goddess, eh?

In actuality, as I stumble off my pedestal and shake the stars from my
hair, I must admit that anyone's comment would have done the trick.
The only person who could NOT post a comment to that question was you,
the originator of the question!

This is an oddity that has been discussed in the forum where Google
Answers Researchers meet to ponder the daily challenges of GARdom.
After a question has been answered, the person who asked the question
may post comments to that question only after someone else has
commented first! I'm sure this is a minor "glitch" of some kind, since
I can't see any use for it as a "feature." I encountered the problem
myself on Question 111781, in which I was the asker. If I'd been able,
I would have posted a comment explaining the purpose of the question
(it was the only way to share a tip that I'd received on another
question in which the customer asked to split the tip two ways,
between me and sgtcory-ga). Much to my surprise, I found that there
was no "Add a Comment" button for me to use, and I presume I will be
locked out of commenting on my own question until someone else has
posted a comment (hint, hint).

I can't explain why this situation exists, since even my goddesslike
clairvoyance is incapable of fathoming all the inner workings of GA's
code. But, should the problem arise again, there's a simple way to
overcome it. Just send a "Request for Clarification of Answer" to the
Researcher who answered your question, and ask him or her to please
post a comment (the Researcher will also have to respond to your
clarification request, in order to clear that from the record). Once
this is done (indeed, once a comment is posted by anyone, GAR or
layperson) the "Comments" field should be fully open to you, and the
elegant grey "Add a Comment" button will re-enter your world.

Regarding the remarks of cheshireboo seeking information about the
nature of your relationship with me, I suggest maintaining secrecy.
This cheshireboo person has been seen grinning all over the place, and
I suspect that he is a paparazzo working for a Wonderland tabloid. ;-)

probonopublico-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $5.00
Hi, Goddess

You have done it again!

Many thanks.

Your Devotee & #1 Fan


Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud ONLY
From: cheshireboo-ga on 28 Jul 2003 07:20 PDT
Please explain your relationship w/ Pinkfreud to all of us Goggle
Answers regulars.  Is this a GA romance, unrequited love....?  What's
really going on behind the scenes?
Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud ONLY
From: probonopublico-ga on 28 Jul 2003 08:39 PDT
Hi, Cheshire Boo

Or should I say, Boo Cheshire?

Would that be Cheshire England, where the cheese comes from? I know it
well ... I used to work in Stockport.

My relationship with Miss Freud is purely that of Goddess and Devotee.

I know that she knows EVERYTHING and I like to keep her mind active.

Kindest regards

Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud ONLY
From: cheshireboo-ga on 28 Jul 2003 13:03 PDT
I appreciate your response to my comment.  

I feel that I must point out, however, that the "he" that Pink so
suspiciously referred to is actually a SHE.  Such assumptions are not
very politically correct and are certainly not the expected behavior
of a goddess.
Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud ONLY
From: pinkfreud-ga on 28 Jul 2003 13:47 PDT

Thank you muchly for the five dollars and the five stars! I shall
place the stars in my crown and creep back onto my pedestal to await
further inquiries!

Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud ONLY
From: pinkfreud-ga on 28 Jul 2003 13:49 PDT

You have my apologies for the gender confusion. As a person with a
non-gender-specific username myself, I ought to have been more

So, cheshireboo...

Are you a paparazza working for a Wonderland tabloid? :-D


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