Dear amyjean,
In 2002, the US market for coffee table books (or illustrated books,
photographic books) had estimated total sales of $500 million,
according to this quotation:
"No one knows the precise size of the illustrated book market in the
United States. Paul Gottlieb, vice chairman of Harry N. Abrams,
estimated the industry's total sales at more than $500 million a year,
or more than 10 percent of consumer book sales."
YBP Library Services: Academia News Digest, February 2002
(The article containing Mr. Gottlieb's estimate was originally
published in the New York Times of 7 January 2002)
Additionally, here are several selected links to statistics on the
publishing market in the United Stated; whether they are freely
accessible or fee-based is mentioned in every single case:
Association of American Booksellers: 2002 Industry Statistics Report
British Booksellers Association: An overview over the U.S. Book Market
1999-2002 (free)
Euromonitor: Books in USA (US-$ 198.00)
Book Industry Study Group: Various Statistical Resources on the Book
Market (fee-based)
BookWire: U.S. Book Production Statistics 1992-2002 (free)
Search terms used (in selection):
"illustrated book market"
"coffee table book market"
"coffee table books" "market size"
"illustrated books" "market size"
"market for coffee table books"
"market for illustrated books"
Again, I am sorry I could not find more comprehensive information on
the coffee table book market. But I hope that the result of my
research will satisfy your basic needs.
Very best regards,
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