Hello startrek28-ga,
It appears that there is only one official precedence list in the
United States, which does not change according to the setting. (The
official list has been expanded to include military personnel; and the
order of precedence might be modified for foreign guests -- but
neither of these considerations relate to your question.) The
precedence list prescribes that a United States Representative (a
member of the House of Representatives) receives precedence over an
Assistant Secretary of an Executive department. (In any event, it
seems courteous to give the Representative, who is a distinguished
guest, precedence over an Assistant Secretary of the host department.)
"Practical Protocol for the Military & Government", by Jim Peterson
(15th ed., Jan. 2001) [section on Precedence]
South Carolina State Guard
"Precedence List"
JMAR Management & Training
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used:
"precedence list" "department of state"
"protocol precedence list"
[I tried other searches as well, but the searches I have mentioned led
me to the pages I have cited.] |