Your question emphasizes trying to keep the top frame from resizing.
When the browser windows resizes, something has to give. So, my
strategy for preventing the top frame from resizing comes at the
expense of the second row of the frame.
This is done by using an asterick instead of 270 to define the second
row of the frame.
Here is the completed source. When I tested it, it allowed the size
of the browser window to be resized without the first row shrinking or
I hope this is what you were looking for. I have made no other
changes to the code. The updated code is provided following the
finished answer.
I used the following links for reference:
Iota-six: Frames
Devshed: Frames resize problem
Search Strategy: Review HTML Frame guidelines for reference.
Search Terms: html frames resize
I hope you have found this information useful and easy to understand.
If you have questions about the information provided, please do not
hesitate to request a clarification before rating the answer.
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