I need advise as to what is the best cartridge/needle, for playing all
kinds of records on the Technics SL-1200M3D. I particularly need
extra performance on old records from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Also I
want great sound on 45's.
Most of the records from my collection are in perfect condition, but
the performance of the Pickering EP-HiFi on the Technics SL-1200M3D
turntable was not good enough for my ears.
Please help, I'd like to spend about 100 dollars on the cartiridge.
(which includes a needle)
I am already aware of the manufacturer recommended cartridge, I am
pretty sure that it is not the best choice. It's the EPC-U1200, which
is a DJ cartiridge, yet I don't think I am supposed to use a DJ
cartridge. I need something for normal usage with great sound.
Thank you |