Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA)
annually surveys sport participation, their:
SGMA Sports Participation Topline Report 2003 Edition
(see page 4 for data for water sports involving boats)
provides sailing participation data for 2002 (5,161,000 people
age 6 or older) and data for several boating activities, but not an
overall number for power boaters. An overview of their survey
methods is the final page of the report above.
A more in depth review of the data above is available in their:
Sports Participation in America 2003
The report is available to nonmembers for about $500.00.
The National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA)
conducts a similar annual participation study. Enter their site as
a guest, then select "Research & Statistics" from the frame on the
left, select "Sports Participation" from the popup menu, then select
"2002 participation, alphabetically" and look for "boating".
Motor Boating 26.6 million people 7 years or older.
SRDS prints "The Lifestyle Market Analyst"
which also provides both national and regional
data for several sporting activities. It is
available in many major libraries.
The Responsive Management National Office
published about a 120 page study
"Factors Related to Recreational Boating Participation
in the United States" A review of the literature.
Pages 1-3 (counted as pages 13-15 by Adobe Acrobat)
provide an overview of participation data.
Simmons Market Research Bureau
conducts a large annual National Consumer Survey (NCS)
that includes participation in several sporting activities.
Data is published in the annual
Simmons Survey of Media and Markets (SMM)
First time users of the study often take a little while getting
used to the format. An example of the way data is presented
can be found at:
The study can be found in print or CD format in many
major libraries.
A review published online by the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign of a recent book by one of their
Recreation Trends and Markets: The 21st Century
By John Kelly. Published by Sagamore Publishing.
discusses the importance of the Simmons sports
participation data.
You might also find this book useful.
An extensive list of sources for Power Boat Industry
Statistics is provided on the Recreational Boating Building
Industry web site at:
Participation in many recreational activities seems to
follow the 80/20 rule. About 20 percent of those who go
participate in activity (such as boating) at least once a
year, account for about 80 percent of the total number of
experiences per year. The rapid falloff of participation
with frequency (went twice, three times, etc) can sometimes
been seen in the Simmons data. You might want to consider
that before getting "big eyes" about the total number of
boaters out there. Many of them only go boating once or
twice a year.
Good luck
Digger |